Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

The further discussions of Science and Technology from T. T. Brown's work through today's breakthroughs and continuing research.

Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Kestrel » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:29 am

I am ever so grateful that Paul Schatzkin chose to keep the achieve of the Parallel Universe forum available for us all to read. I wish I understood all the conversations held within, but even with my limited knowledge and late arrival, I have enjoyed both the banter and the more serious discussions from many of the individuals who participated.

Just recently I chose to dive into the "Epilogue: The Sound of Time" thread. It is a great thread where all the familiar individuals commented. Unfortunately many of these individuals chose not to move on to any of the subsequent forums, or if they did they used different names. My favourite was the Irish, saxophone playing, horse loving, British spy, what’s not to like? But there was also, James Barrett, Lady Grady, Victoria Steele, Grinder, Madison, Mark Culpepper, Lisa Culpepper. Each one adding something and supporting Paul and the project.

On reading the "Epilogue: The Sound of Time" thread I started to notice a characteristic in Mr. Twigsnapper’s posts: ... =15#p12232

easy enough to find

Postby twigsnapper on Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:50 pm
Well, one of the vibrating threads would have been William Moore. But then that thread was tied to a red herring ..... which was drug all about the neighborhood. It will take a pack of good hounds. But then I think I know of some fine animals who now know what the scent actually is. Will be interesting to see what they find " around the edges" <g> .

My, this is fun. twigsnapper

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The ‘characteristic’ was the spaces either side of the dots I.e. “a red herring ..... which was drug” I've taken the liberty to highlight it in the following posts.

Here is another post: ... =15#p12234

did I?

Postby twigsnapper on Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:16 pm
Of course. Many. Safer than some planes <g>
But then ... I am an old man and have much to do and a short time to do it in ..... and being this age I am also perhaps quite daft. twigsnapper

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And it was one of those things that once I noticed it, I was seeing it everywhere:

Here is a post from Madison: ... bcb9#p1702

another question

Postby Madison on Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:46 pm
So I sort of understand why this was all so puzzling. Dr. Brown discovered something that no one else had known about before his work .... but while they are all trying to figure out that, yes, in fact, it does WORK. Meanwhile He is already done with that and going on to noticing that there is a VARIATION. So he set up his sensors to recieve that variation. Right?

Here is a post from Lady Grady: ... =60#p12301


Postby ladygrady on Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:32 am
Linda Brown,

What a pleasure it will be to be able to correspond with you on a more direct basis. I think all of us have been so grateful for the way you have shared so much of your young adult life with us that it was sort of easy for us to respect Pauls rule. Which seemed to be " When Linda wants to talk with all of you, she will. Other than that ... no more questions accepted." I guess none of us wanted to overstep that boundary.

Here is a post from Victoria Steele: ... 105#p12354

filling spaces

Postby Victoria Steele on Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:32 am

So you have volunteered then to be the resident cynic and agnostic? Great names but I am not sure that they really fit you. There are others I could volunteer too. Resident .... mystic in disquise?,

I remember my first revelation with the fact that most things are sadly named before you even get to them. I had worked out my philosophical viewpoint on the world and I was so very proud of myself actually then taken quite a few steps back when I realized that there was already a name for my devised concept. AGNOSTIC! What a shock! Then I realized that generally there are names for every thought.

And THEN I ran headlong into the public belief that if the names haven't been made yet then the thought must not be worth considering. How depressing. I can understand why then Morgan enjoyed James Joyce. That man took words and used them for his own benefit and in his own way, come hell or high water.

I don't know Mikado, I have considered you far more than those two words. Just grazing the surface/ where did the mystic go? but if you need a tatoo for each cheek to be properly seated at a round table then I guess those two will do? And the other talents can join the party later?

Don't even go with what you are considering for me. Lets see .... My Grandmother would say of me.....a Baptist wearing fancy shoes .... huh ... but she gave up on me a long long time ago, so that doesn't count!

The most important part of it all will be I think how all of the character traits blend and interact. There was a word I think for the element that causes change when other elements are combined. Whats the word? Catalyst? One bet who that might be. Victoria

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Here is a post from Mark Culpepper: ... 096#p12214

some students of this book

Postby Mark Culpepper on Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:51 pm
The REAL students of this story, those who have followed it carefully and know that Paul has REALLY done his homework here will read those last chapters .... and nod ..... and even when we all hit Mr. Twigsnappers strange story about the man slumped in a chair, unconcious, and then being saved .... will read Pauls conclusion ... the year was 1936 .... the man was Morgan .... WE will all take a deep breath and smile ( as I did) and immediately say " OF COURSE

Here is a post from Lisa Culpepper: ... t=30#p4937

collecting information

Postby Mark Culpepper on Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:12 am
Paul, (Lisa here!)

Thanks for the compliment. I have been collecting information in sort of a journal I have been keeping. I keep a sort of running file on interesting sites and when I saw those two names they rang a bell. It took some searching but I finally found that reference. Actually I think I got there by collecting information on the Jedburgh teams. And I found a really great book which you might enjoy. Add it to your pile? ... e=1&cat=59

The thing that really got to me was that this writer got started just to find out more about his grandfather who was a Jedburgh team member, which is exactly what I am doing and for the same reason. In a way it sort of took the wind out of me .... and for awhile I put my notes away .... but I have been reading what Mr. Twigsnapper keeps saying about " Remember the Women" so now I intend to continue because I think that my story will be different just because its through my eyes and I hope that will make it special.

Here is a post from Grinder: ... 096#p12206

so much

Postby grinder on Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:57 pm
I wanted to thank you Paul for taking the time to mention Charles Miller again. Just one of the many loose threads I know in this story but golden threads to some.

Just wanted you to know that I am doing the best I can with a long road ahead of me, I have appreciated the help from all of you.

Victoria ... I get the dance after Mikado!

And a salute to Morgan. It was he who handed me that flag ... folded a certain way and I will never forget the man. grinder

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Which I thought was kind of curious...

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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part II

Postby Kestrel » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:36 am

Continuation from this post: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

I found it a little odd that all these individual people should exhibit a similar punctuation trait, maybe they had a similar education, maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Looking again at Mr. Twigsnapper's posts I noticed a second punctuation trait, he like to leave a space after a quotation mark or brackets, for example,
an attractive woman ( I remember well that she had GREAT legs)

themselves from the tracks! ( sorry Mikado, I know you love trains .... but it was the times)

LOP asked Linda if it was true that she had taken some sort of “ flight” and I thought Lindas’ answer interesting and appropriate.

So in the following posts I have again highlighted the punctuation traits, and please be aware that there are occasions within the same posts that you will not see these traits, and I'm sure there are also examples within other peoples posts, but not with the same consistency as these individuals.

Mr. Twigsnapper: ... t=15#p4891

In depth

Postby twigsnapper on Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:47 am
And thank you LBL for calling the extended history into play. Paul did his job of properly mentioning her but the back story that you have brought up needed to be mentioned too. It was her wonderful mind and intuition that "saw" the situation when the heralded men around her did not. Of course she was Jewish which worked harshly against her in that age. But even so it was so easy for the men around her to take what they could without looking backwards. It has happened throughout history.

Thats why you will see my constant reminder to Paul, " remember the women" because in his research it is quite easy to see only the masculine report on the issue.

Was it you Trickfox who asked about "dangerous women" in my life? Something like that. I have to tell you ..... they have ALWAYS been my great joy. During the war I was totally enamored of an attractive woman ( I remember well that she had GREAT legs) but she also could live amongst the Germans like a reef fish amongst the coral. And she could set a charge like no one you have ever seen! I rather appreciated that! Of course very little has ever been said about her. I am pleased to say that she lived out part of her life in happy retirement in Australia, riding fine horses and setting a lovely table for tea. For quite a while no one around her ever suspected the life that she led so it was always nice to visit her and be able to share a smile and an occasional wink when the conversation turned then to planting flowers in the garden. She would never have been that domestic when I knew her! I think that she could see with me the locomotives detaching themselves from the tracks! ( sorry Mikado, I know you love trains .... but it was the times)

Another lady who hasn't gotten half the credit deserved.

Last edited by twigsnapper on Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Here is a post from Lady Grady: ... t=45#p9176


Postby ladygrady on Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:20 pm
Absolutely Griffin. You didn't think I would leg off when things are getting so interesting now, did you?

I agree with you that we seem to be collecting information in a way not usually recognized because these little points of " trivia" seem to "self organize" themselves in our direction. Does that make any sense to anyone?

To me your mention of " Bell" pulls up all kinds of really odd references if I just let go of my rational self organization and let that OTHER "self organization" take over.

You mention the Bell and Townsend Browns Adamski design ( though I am trying to recall who it was exactly who said that they could have been one and the same. Perhaps Paul? Could be. That rings a bell! <g>)

Its as if things are connecting in ways which lead us in certain FOREKNOWN directions. Endlessly fascinating.

Frothing energy, the Dance of the Shiva, Beau Kitselman, translations of sanskrit given to him by the ruler of old Siam. Monks fighting for freedom from opression in orange robes, the Dalai Lama coming to the desert near Palm Springs soon and someone here has already wondered if he still carries that watch given to him by a man named Tolstoy, who happened to sit down for a conversation in Russian with a red haired kid just poised on the decision of his life, to join this Group for the rest of his life ... or not ..... and for Griffin a walk on a pleasant October day on Catalina with a gentleman (I hope you are coming to realize) , knew better than you at that time what your path was going to be and how he could best guide you. And what you write will reach out and touch someone else and the dance goes on. Like flow keeps writing " Dancing is better than marching"

Am I here? Of course! How could I possibly miss this? grady

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Here is a post from Victoria Steele: ... 135#p12384

raising the ship

Postby Victoria Steele on Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:29 am
I loved that scene where Luke raised the ship from the swamp and yes, looking back on it I do think that Paul was a little like Luke at that moment. WOW!

Hopefully you are powering along Paul, enjoying your music and even more enjoying the fact that you have actually been able to accomplish what you had set out to. Something that might have seemed impossible at the first!

Now I know that some really hard polishing work is left but I have been rereading some parts of this book just wondering what parts may be dropped and I have run into some wonderful sections , My favorite actually is Morgans introduction ( sort of without Linda knowing it) to the group her own father had been working with for years and years. ( The " Do you love me Panic chapter is so ..... human.......)

Linda. Surely you must have had an inkling that this was happening. ( this slow sliding away from you in those early moments. I know later Morgan told you during the visit at the Pa farm but earlier .... did you just decide that it was better not to know? Did your Mother ever give you any advice .... other than saying " He will probably break your heart" ( then she added I think " But he will probably be worth it."

I don't think that I need to ask you if he was worth it .... but did you ever really despair over the way that the relationship had gone? Paul hasn't really gone there entirely. Don't even attempt to answer me if this makes you uncomfortable. Not meaning to do that. I just wondered how you managed to get through all of this. Victoria

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Here is a post from Mark Culpepper: ... 096#p12214

some students of this book

Postby Mark Culpepper on Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:51 pm
The REAL students of this story, those who have followed it carefully and know that Paul has REALLY done his homework here will read those last chapters .... and nod ..... and even when we all hit Mr. Twigsnappers strange story about the man slumped in a chair, unconcious, and then being saved .... will read Pauls conclusion ... the year was 1936 .... the man was Morgan .... WE will all take a deep breath and smile ( as I did) and immediately say " OF COURSE"

But I guess that we all have to be prepared for those who are speed reading through these pages. That will be an enormous speed bump for them. And it will probably throw them into consternation and confusion and then the only way to restore order to their mind will be to discredit your conclusions Paul. You will have to be mad. Linda Brown is a mad woman somewhere isolated from society ( rightly so) and Twigsnapper will be a senile old man with fanciful stories that you have bought wholesale. Thats what many will say.

And all I can think of is something that Elizabeth just mentioned to me. Its a quote from Alice in Wonderland.

" But I don't want to go among mad people! Alice remarked
"Oh, you can't help that" said the Cheshire Cat. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad" How do you know I'm mad? said Alice.
You Must be" said the Cat. " Or you wouldn't be here"

I like it here Paul. Call me whatever you want. I enjoy this company.


Mark Culpepper
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Here is a post from Lisa Culpepper: ... t=30#p4937

collecting information

Postby Mark Culpepper on Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:12 am
Paul, (Lisa here!)

Thanks for the compliment. I have been collecting information in sort of a journal I have been keeping. I keep a sort of running file on interesting sites and when I saw those two names they rang a bell. It took some searching but I finally found that reference. Actually I think I got there by collecting information on the Jedburgh teams. And I found a really great book which you might enjoy. Add it to your pile? ... e=1&cat=59

The thing that really got to me was that this writer got started just to find out more about his grandfather who was a Jedburgh team member, which is exactly what I am doing and for the same reason. In a way it sort of took the wind out of me .... and for awhile I put my notes away .... but I have been reading what Mr. Twigsnapper keeps saying about " Remember the Women" so now I intend to continue because I think that my story will be different just because its through my eyes and I hope that will make it special.

I really wasn't looking for any connection with Dr. Brown but I guess there might be ? I think whatever you decide to write is going to be really good. Like the book above I think your book will be great because you will put faces to names and personalities into the story.

You know that I am a great fan of Mr. Twigsnapper and I don't think he would ever admit to it but he has been an enormous help to me. I think that he really wants me to write but he keeps saying that I have to tend to my books and my horses in that order and so I am trying to make him proud.

I really hope this helps you. So happy I could actually help! Lisa

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Here is a Post from James Barrett:
just my impression also

Postby James Barrett on Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:00 am
Its just my impression ( and maybe someone else agrees) that this Forum has somehow changed or " graduated" in nature after reaching the conclusion of Pauls " virtual" book.

It just seems to me that our conclusions are not going to be the same as they were before he reached those words " THE END"

Any one else feel the same?

Its sort of like looking back over an old family album, (reading these older posts)Great fun seeing the changes in attitude (almost like watching the changing hairstyles or the model of cars in the background of that beloved family album) . I do sense a feeling of nostalgia for what you all have gone through in the past getting up to those words ..... THE END.

But its not really THE END. And I hope that Paul will realize that once he gets back from his road trip. Someone once called the Forum a "living breathing thing" and so I guess I am hoping for its continued usefulness somehow. But living things change too.

And maybe change will be in order. Perhaps there should be division of the old Forum from the one which is developing now? Using those words THE END as the dividing point?

My suggestion is to honor the Forums past but move on now into these new discussions with a clean slate knowing what will be put down now will have a decidedly different flavor and perspective . 12000 plus comments ! Quite a heritage! but also a heavy bag to carry about into the future. James

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Here are two posts from Elizabeth Helen Drake: ... =15#p12253 ... 3bde4cb380

might account

Postby Elizabeth Helen Drake on Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:37 am
Lovely thoughts Mikado.

And that might account for the discrepancy in the number counted on board that ill fated helicopter. That missing person ... counted once .... but not again. It might be a fanciful thought on my part or it might be reality. I Remember that Morgan said that there "a time to live, and a time to die," but I noticed also that he didn't mention which it was that he was choosing. It might be that he would eventually join his men as part of his own destiny. But I like to consider that perhaps there were other places he might have gone first. A Universe, a lifetime in just a few seconds perhaps.

And as far as we have our minds open to flights of fantasy perhaps, might as well enjoy ourselves. This is a rabbit hole remember. With a different set of rules.

The strange ship that was seen in Langleys territory in ( 1942?) .... which seemed to intentionally pace the bombers squadron that noticed it ( or fighters , I can't remember now) .... with the insignia of the Cheshire Cat on it certainly sounds like the work of someone we might recognize. Heck with what year it was! And it turned remember, into something that would have been called an " Unidentified Submerged Object"..... Or the minesweeper crews ... taking mines away from the path of approaching ships. Twigsnapper said any ship could be a minesweeper .... once ... and we all laughed over that .... but what if Beckwith is not the crazy person that some would like to say he is? What does that mean?

And then there is the old Cutlass. We never really got into that subject... but as you mentioned to me a while back Mikado ... the subject of USOs is also bubbling to the surface in the media. Just this week.

I remember that Morgan was asked ... " What would you do, if you could travel in time?" and I remember how Paul recorded his response. After Morgan realized that his first choice ( to save his sister) could not be realized I think that his answer was .... "do what I can to help .... and enjoy the experience"Something like that. Elizabeth

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Postby Elizabeth Helen Drake on Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:20 am
Andrew M and Mikado'

I am always such a big help here with these questions. But here is my poor take. Regarding the question of why Morgan could save Dr. Brown but not his own sister ( which was his heartfelt wish) .... I don't know. Need to find the answer to that.

To Andrew M ...

I think that you are one of the people who we have been waiting for actually. And your questions are questions that only you could have asked. And its well worth taking each one of them apart at the seams and investigating each fully. My answer ( mine alone, not speaking for anyone else here ...) is simply .... "I don't know these men, have not studied their work ... needed to have you bring them to my attention."

I hope that we will be able to work together ( please) to open discussions on each. All these closed doors of information that need not be closed any longer!

Thank you for joining us and thank you for the contributions that you will bring. I am trusting that Paul will keep these lines of communications going because this forum has a voice that needs to continue. Especially with the help from our newest members and the continued support and interest from our stury " old timers!" Elizabeth
Last edited by Elizabeth Helen Drake on Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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And Here is a post from Linda Brown ... =30#p12263

Responding to Vince White's Front Page Comment

Postby Linda Brown on Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:30 pm
(the following message is offered in response to a Comment on the front page of the website posted yesterday by one Vince White. The original Comment is here: ... insta.html

This response will also be posted to the front page, although anybody wishing join the discussion is encouraged to do so here in the forums. Newcomers, please remember to follow the registration instructions at the very top of the forums Index page.)

- - - - - - -

Dear Readers and Friends:

Those of you who know me will realize that I have been trying very hard to stay well centered during the writing of this book.

It’s an attitude that Paul and I talked about very early on ...We knew that we would have to tread a very narrow path through a very dark wood. . ( I have to award Paul the prize, through all of this I think he has been the one better centered, better focused.... I have had a tendency sometimes to go off in different directions in search of answers, always looking, always investigating, always on the hunt. Sometimes running into dead ends ... But eventually I have found my way back to the center spot and to his good company). ... I believe this is the way our association in this project was meant. There were times I am sure that he looked at me and thought .... "uh oh ... there she goes again."

But that is what you end up doing when you have patrolled the edges as Paul said ... and secured a vision ........

I realized though this morning that the vision I had secured for myself during these various "patrols" was not what it should be!

And it took a post by Vince White to do that for me. Whoever you are Sir ..... thank you.

I suddenly saw that ship and then I remembered many things that I have read through my life and the words "Dyson's Dock" hit like a sledgehammer and then the current story of the " Doomsday Project" where people are saving seeds for the future .... and I realized that I had assumed the worst for mankind ... a seed saving project indeed but doomsday is not what it is all .... seeds needed .... for another place .....and suddenly the plants and the water and the sand all make sense. I just wasn’t able to look far enough ahead.

I think that there will be some who will read what Paul has written and be totally thrown by what looks like two different worlds living side by side. And Paul has been able to capture both. Even the title of his book speaks to this. Paul has been able to capture a very carefully detailed account of a mans life. Letters. Interviews, notes ... all name specific dates and places and all well documented. No biography could have been better researched. But then there is the other side of the story which reads so much like a fantasy that I am sure there will be those who will doubt the truth of it, or even his sanity.

My only response to that is to quote something that was left for me years ago. I took it when I first read it as a science fiction story. The pages were full of the adventures of people who could easily move from one dimension to the next ... and the description of a special place and a special shining ship. It was filled with advice about what to do and what to look for .... and at the end of it came the words ...." Daughter, these words are as true as the rain on the window above your head"


Linda Brown
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And another one: ... 120#p12373

love your posts

Postby Linda Brown on Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:29 pm
Kevin, such important words... a shaft of insight

"The main realisation I have accepted is that I am not alone in my body, occupied is the best word I can use.
The basic operating animal is me, the normally seen and accepted, but there is something else inside, and it appears to be able to exit myself, if the conditions are right.
As I can accept this and not be afraid at all, the next step is taking the operating self along as well"

And thankyou Navigator. for seeing the " next step" as well.

And thankyou Langley for this. Good advice from the past.

"We are in a bad spot, morally, ethically and nationally. …..
Restrain yourself my boy. None of it is worth risking your health for. In the end, if we peg away, truth will out. Let’s not jump to the lions but gird up our loins! “ – Mark Oliphant*, writing to Hedley Marston, 12.9.56."

And Paul.

Only two places would draw my interest if I were there in Key West. ( Besides the conch trains and the sun and sand and palm trees and and the sailing ships pulling at their moorings ... and..and.... and ...) would be Captain Tonys ( haunted you know ... definitely haunted) and an old Cemetery where a yorkshire terrier is buried " Here lies the meanest yorkie in the world, and my best friend. Or something like that. I have heard about it ... haven't paid my respects yet! Linda

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I find it very curious that all these individuals should exhibit the same punctuation trait, so in comparison here are a few examples from other members posts.

A post from AM: ... cf43ba2d9d

Postby AM on Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:54 pm
On the other the connection between neutrinos, DUMAND, Beckwith and Dr. Brown may be a figment of my imagination, because according to chapter 80:

"But before they could make the move to Hawaii, Dr. Brown received a letter from Dr. Everett Palmatier, the Chairman Emeritus of the University of North Carolina Physics Department— who Dr. Brown had occasion to meet and get to know while working with Agnew Bahnson in the late 1950s. In his letter, Dr. Palmatier praised Dr. Brown’s latest work as “the light at the end of a rainbow that has been dark for too long,” and offered some measure of support and sponsorship for Dr. Brown’s further studies at UNC. "

They didn't move to Hawaii. And DUMAND was cancelled (or was it just "cancelled").

In case I'm on the wrong track, then Radio Tinfoil will for the time being suspend it's program. Thank you.

Last edited by AM on Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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A post from Griffin: ... 960#p14474


Postby Griffin on Wed May 07, 2008 7:12 pm
Yes, JimZim-

We all draw insights from our own experience. Years ago, I did some coaching. Each game/competition situation represents major change and the possiblity of "choking" and underperforming. One of the best solutions, IMO, is DWAI (Don't Worry About It). As a Chinese saying advises, "When you take action, don't worry."


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A post from Arc: ... 76e#p20663

Re: PETROVOLTAICS - Electricity from Rocks

Postby arc on Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:24 am

I see you also have a retentive mind, the original question from back on page 2 or 3 ?. What happens when lightening..?
I can say from experience that a big hole develops. (A steel post retaining a fence was bored into a qurtz bearing rock structure. the fence/post was hit in a storm.)
But you are after more than this basic hole in the ground fact <g>.
If I follow your faint footprints in the dust, it has the potential to be correlated to the TTB effect. I remember discussing something along this line with Kevin a while ago, he mentioned Browns-Gas and I mentioned a fist sized piece of quartz I have. It was after I had previously asked you if your father had cut smooth ledges on his rocks to attach the coaxial cables for monitoring. My quandry is, does quartz go back to its "natural nature" after it has been melted and poured into a container to cool.
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As I say .... I find it curious.<g>

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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Linda Brown » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:11 pm

Chris....I am very pleased that you have gone to the trouble to collect the information that you have here and asked the questions that you are asking. This will help me too in solving some mysteries that I have noticed also.

I hope its alright but I have copied your message here over to the cosmic-token so that we can follow your research on this. I have called it Curiouser and Curiouser which I think that both of us will agree on.

Perhaps with the forum here and the cosmic-token we can get to the bottom of the mysteries that you have noted.

With my best wishes
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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:04 am

Mr. Kestrel,

You have noticed much of what I noticed. TOO many coincidences. When this evidence you put forth along with the IP's from the "ttbrown" forum are thrown into the mix, the best answer is what it is.....a single person.

"IF" this was some conspiracy of an agency, either clandestine or legitimate, a question that comes to mind is - "why make all the IP's originating from the same source?" On it's face, it only ruins the credibility of one person and in no way bolsters or encourages the research to find out who Dr. Brown really was. In fact, it appears to have been orchestrated by one individual.

And then there is this post from Rose over at the Token:

Rose wrote:Re: Alice would say, Curiouser and Curiouser
by re-rose » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 pm

Linda, some minds are unable to hold contradictory truths.These tells and the usenet IP will always be used by Mikado as "proof" that none of your story is true.

I told you very early that one of the first things I observed at the P.U. forum was how oddly 'fluent' and 'fluid' the more long-winded posters were. But, while their voice often sounded like yours, as I got to know you, I also saw that someone somewhere beyond your 'level' was putting a lot of time and effort into co-ordinating a story that often leaves you truly baffled. And it seemed to me, posters aside, that it was important for your essential story to be told in your "owned voice."

And so we did and so we will.


The post is nothing more than a dance. IP's are instrumental, they have been known to be used in a court of law, successfully by both the prosecution and defense, as evidence. Further, it is what it is. How can anyone expect to have an impact upon making a change when so very much...evidence suggests a conspiracy orchestrated by one person? To what end? Questions that can only be speculated upon at this time.

The post quoted above is not detrimental to what you posted Mr. Kestrel but is only evidence to what lengths those with invested interests will go to sweep these questions and facts under the proverbial rug.

In any case, someone needs to come forward and clear the air, otherwise, the stink of all this will permeate into the name of Dr. Brown.

Pity. The saving grace is that it will hopefully not invade the air around the science, unfortunately, it will at some point and no one can see that.

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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Linda Brown » Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:56 pm

You said

In any case, someone needs to come forward and clear the air, otherwise, the stink of all this will permeate into the name of Dr. Brown.

Pity. The saving grace is that it will hopefully not invade the air around the science, unfortunately, it will at some point and no one can see that.

No, Mikado..... a fresh breeze is blowing as we speak. Linda
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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:08 pm

Linda Brown wrote:You said

In any case, someone needs to come forward and clear the air, otherwise, the stink of all this will permeate into the name of Dr. Brown.

Pity. The saving grace is that it will hopefully not invade the air around the science, unfortunately, it will at some point and no one can see that.

No, Mikado..... a fresh breeze is blowing as we speak. Linda

If you say so but judging by something someone sent me from your forum I suppose that breeze is being created by a spinning flywheel.... cripes, does anyone understand science over there?


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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Linda Brown » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:43 pm

Listen to you trying to tell any one else about " understanding science"

Remember dear.... you are only seeing part of what is posted. Linda
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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:53 pm

Linda Brown wrote:Listen to you trying to tell any one else about " understanding science"

Remember dear.... you are only seeing part of what is posted. Linda

True but what I did see was idiotic if not sophomoric and THAT is what the public views from the front page. In other words, that is what is being represented.

tsk tsk

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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Linda Brown » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:58 pm

idiotic and sophomoric is what you consider everyone Mikado. Its one of the problems that you have dealing with the public in general. Linda
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Re: Mr. Twigsnapper's 'Easy enough to find' post - Part I

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:09 pm

Linda Brown wrote:idiotic and sophomoric is what you consider everyone Mikado. Its one of the problems that you have dealing with the public in general. Linda

No, only those that are idiotic and sophomoric and that is exactly what I saw in that post about flywheels. The only ones that made some sense were fruitbat and auntiegravity.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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