There is a thread on the Cosmic-Token called the " Blonde Ladys Gift" that might be interesting for all of you to read. Perhaps it will give you the proper background for this particular response to Kim.... since the " blonde lady" was her " vision" or whatever she chose to call it as she presented it to all of us...
The initial message on that thread is reposted here.....
by Linda Brown » Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:30 pm
For a very long time Kim has been telling me that she was having visions of a blonde lady ( and a man with no face) who would visit her. She has been steadfast in this story even when I challenged her thinking that perhaps this was just a story that she and Mikado had invented to pull me over to them....and my response to her was that I wanted to believe her.... that she was indeed getting some sort of a message from that Lady.... ( who I took always as being Helen Towt.... something that Kim may not have known until recently)
So with this ongoing bitterness welling up between camps.... I know.... I know.... I am really sort of embarassed by my part in it... but I couldn't let it go and suddenly when Mikado brought Helens death into it with a veiled and sort of threatening attitude..... sort of like.... I have a secret that is going to show the world what deceptions you have pulled..... that just lit my fuse.... because I felt that he was using her and my attachment to her unfairly. Whatever the reason I fired back and kept firing back.... even when cooler and wiser voices were saying .... sail away, sail away.... sail away.
Just recently Mikado FINALLY put out the information that he had been holding on to for so gave the name of a 22 year old who was involved in the accident that caused Helens death. Mikado used it to crow that I had decieved everyone all along! Point is.... I only repeated what I was told. But there is more going on here I am seeing now and that is more important than anything to this point!
The point that maybe needs to be made here is this. Mikado.... why didn't you just say...." Hey Linda... it wasn't a hit and run.... you were wrong"? We were SUPPOSED to be friends. Why did you have to manifest it into this big deal about you knowing something that I was trying to "put over" on people? You had such a big an agenda that you couldn't have done that simple thing? When have I ever tried to bully my thoughts on anybody? and yet thats what you have chosen to portray me as..... and I still don't know why you have adopted that attitude.Why this all consuming anger?
How long have you had this information? A VERY long time! And you chose to squirrel it away to someday use as ammunition against me? WHY? I am discovering that was your plan all along, wasn't it. The entire Quonset Hut deal.... even your meetings with " David" were all orchestrated to eventually put me in a situation that you felt would " bring me down". You have been a grave danger to me all along... behind that mask.... and I believe that Helen knew it. I also think that she has more to tell me.... but what she has uncovered here for all to see..... but especially ME.... was your agenda through the way that you handled that information.....
I THANK YOU for finding that information for me. I just wonder why it took Helen to show me what a real traitor to me you have been all along. For that I thank her. Linda
Linda Brown
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Note the date of the above.... and now months later she is still on her particular Linda Brown » Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:40 pm
Kim has now launched telephone calls where she has called me and left messages and called my husband at work.... portraying herself as a real Estate agent somewhere in Pa who told him that they got his number because I was looking for an apartment to rent and they were just following up........????????
When he replied that he didn't know what she was talking about she continued to ask questions about my whereabouts and my interest in securing an apartment in her area. ???????
About that time he caught on to the fact that it was in fact Kim so he played along a little.... telling her that he didn't know of any apartment being rented but that his wife had recently purchased a home somewhere in Pa.....but that he didn't know any more since we were separated and he hadn't seen me for months.
So we will let her chew on that one for awhile.
And Mikado..... voice recognition systems are immediate. You should know that. Especially on a Marine base. Silly Rabbit.
Sillier Rabbit if you REALLY think that Kim isn't making these phone calls. Its making you look like a dunce.... which is apparently what she thinks that you are.
Linda Brown
Posts: 3785
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