The further discussions of Science and Technology from T. T. Brown's work through today's breakthroughs and continuing research.


Postby Linda Brown » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:02 pm

Mikado.... remove my name from your membership list.

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Postby Mikado14 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:24 pm

To the gutless hypocrite:

I will do as you ask on January 21st for that is the date that this site was established on and paid for. I will not be coerced into doing so before the end of the contract. I will not give you a legal edge in a defense.

You or your gutless husband don't scare me nor intimidate me either. Tell "Tracker" that he couldn't track his own a$$ with both his hands and a good hound dog. You'll probably have to look in a mirror to do so.

And I believe I might have found the source for the picture used in your....his avatar.

Now go stomp your foot elsewhere little girl.

Read my signature


( In case your wondering why I use the word "gutless", it is because you said it about me once. You are and will find out how "gutless" I am. I am not afraid to post the truth and will offer evidence to what I say and not just what I think. So where are all the CIA types that should have come knocking at my door that you claimed would happen to Fred?......What is that odor?...)
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

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Postby Linda Brown » Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:14 pm


My membership has nothing at all to do with whenever the site was paid for.

You have no contract with me for my services or the use of my name.

Remove my name from the membership.

Linda Brown
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Postby Mikado14 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:37 pm

Linda Brown wrote:Mikado,

My membership has nothing at all to do with whenever the site was paid for.

You have no contract with me for my services or the use of my name.

Remove my name from the membership.

Linda Brown

One more time, I do so understand how THICK you are since you do hang with Andrew.

IF you are removed from the membership then you will no longer have access here and thus that would be in violation of providing you with this forum as agreed upon. A full year was paid for, you accepted it and a full year is what you will get.

You will be removed between the period of the 19th through the 21th which corresponds to when the Hut was moved.

As to a contract for services, what services? You said you don't do windows. I provided a service to you....what was it?...oh yeah, dumb bunny.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby Mikado14 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:56 pm

" wrote:]Re: Regarding the HUT
by Linda Brown » Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:25 am
Yes, thats what I would like to know. I forgot to give a proper link to the subject so here it is.
PLEASE, as Andrew suggested...... spray well and wipe your feet upon returning here. That stuff sort of hangs on , doesn't it?

I know that this is a stupid observational question but

Why does Mikado have to be so darned mean?

Why? Let's see:
1. You told some important individuals in March in Vegas that you didn't trust me with no explanation
2. You lied about Fred being in the Hut and deleting which has been substantiated by the Traveler as of a conversation with him about two months ago.
3. You misrepresented two individuals as foundational characters in this twisted story of yours
4. You broke your word from the July meeting when we, what I thought, promised to leave each other alone.
5. You continued a libel/slander slam on me in the first half of August until I removed you as an admin
6. You created another site in direct competition to what this site was intended
7. You broke your word in releasing personal information
8. You posted information that led to individuals showing up on my doorstep
9. You posted information that led to my parents being harassed with phone calls
10. You continue to take morsels of truth and twist them into something you call the truth
11. You pretended to be George and threatened my family in an email

Is that enough for now as to "why?"

" wrote:He just trips all over himself to be mean and nasty and then he wonders why I kicked him off of here before he could start all of that over here. How long do you guys think it would have taken him to launch his first insult?

Heres the link

I THOUGHT I was being cordial.
Take a look and just see what he would have treated us with here over a simple request.


I wouldn't call it tripping as much kicking your sh1t around.

As to why you "kicked me off" ( I would have used a different term ), you are afraid of me. You know damn right well that I would not have posted in a manner other than as rebuttal to the slanderous and libelous statements you and others make. Secondly, I am sure Andrew and Tommy had a hand in it as well but you are simply A F R A I D of my rebuttals that would have been in kind to your posts.

Cordial?....said the spider to the fly. Read my list above. You don't deserve cordiality, you deserve a spanking for that is what they do to lying and spoiled little girls. Daddy wasn't around to do it (Did he really love you? I mean, if he did, wouldn't he have attempted to be around you more than he was? Perhaps that is your problem, Paternal angst..tsk .... feel he didn't love you and you are doing all you can to earn his love...yeah...sure appears that way) and Mommy didn't either.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby Mikado14 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:05 pm

" wrote:Regarding the HUT
by Linda Brown » Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:33 pm
Its interesting to me that there are 180 members on the Hut. My name is listed there, against my will.... so I will be watching that 180 number.....waiting for it to drop to 179.

If it does not then I will take it that Mikado is using my name on his membership roster as false advertising in some way. He has said that my name will be dropped after the 16th, or 19th... can't remember... so that day is fast approaching. I am holding him to that.

I have sent this message to my lawyer also. If my name does not disappear from the Huts membership list by the 20th of this month Mikado will be hearing from him directly.


Well now, you might as well tell your lawyer to contact me now, don't wait, for your name will now stay up until the anniversary of the first Hut in March...maybe longer. Depends on your lawyer and you will see how gutless I am.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby Linda Brown » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:59 am

No doubt there Mikado at all.

The question now is.....If you reinstate your use of the site for another year..what does that mean for the future of it? More of the same?

I keep seeing your main topics about discussing the work of Townsend Brown but so far all you have done is use this Forum as a vehicle for your childish longrunning battle with me.

"Childish, petulant, spoiled, neglected daughter of Townsend Brown." Thats how you have described me....and a few other guttersnipe remarks that anyone can read if they bother to go back into the archives. You forgot others..... dedicated and resolute. I will not disappear from your life as long as you are involved here.

And will this be the future of the site?

Is this what all of your silent visitors are going to see when they visit this site. Are they coming to visit with you or are they coming here because of the name of the site....You know the answer to that.

And you must know that this will be an endless battle with me if you pick up the site for another year. I have decided that I rather like your description of me. It gives me all kinds of liberties here which I will continue to use...... Is this the future that you and Kim want for yourselves?

If you think that I will go away as long as you have anything to do at all with a site with my Dads name on it..... you are very mistaken.

Not that it means anything but for starts I would suggest that you spend some time on your Quonset Hut banner. Just slapping the little white hut over the ship everyone recognizes as the Resolute just represents how feeble your attempts to obscure my Dads work and my words are........ and anyone who looks at it recognizes that.

Don't you have the technical ability to draw up your own artistic renderings? Take charge more Mikado! After all.... this will be your responsibility now! You and Kim have a big effort in front of you!

You say that your so called " contract" with me means that you are required to give me access to post messages here. I dispute that contract but if it means so much to you then I would advise that you leave this message as it stands.

It can also be found on the Thats an Internet courtesy link that I am sure you and Kim will remove. And you call me childish!

Linda Brown
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Postby Linda Brown » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:42 pm


This is from your own legal notice post regarding your intentions for the use of this Forum.

The intent of this site was to promote and discuss the book(s) authored by Linda Brown, the work of her father, and other topics that are related to Dr. Brown's science and military careers. It is not intended to provide a forum for accusations, allegations, libel or slander.

Where have you " discussed the book?" ( You, I understand , have not bothered to read " The Good-Bye Man" The obvious intent of this Forum was to promote that book.
So following that intent... here is a link to Smashwords

Where have you posted any relevant and positive comments regarding the work of Townsend Brown? A scientific comment on bees? I hope you have more to offer than that.

What about pictures of your gravitor and results of your work?

The notice goes on to say that this Forum is
Not intended for accusations? Libel or slander? Who here has been calling another an assortment of very unsavory names? When do you intend to start living up to the content of your own legal announcement? Linda
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Postby Mikado14 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:12 pm

Linda Brown wrote:Mikado,

This is from your own legal notice post regarding your intentions for the use of this Forum.

The intent of this site was to promote and discuss the book(s) authored by Linda Brown, the work of her father, and other topics that are related to Dr. Brown's science and military careers. It is not intended to provide a forum for accusations, allegations, libel or slander.

Where have you " discussed the book?" ( You, I understand , have not bothered to read " The Good-Bye Man" The obvious intent of this Forum was to promote that book.
So following that intent... here is a link to Smashwords

As to libel and slander, you started it......sweetie....back in August and I fired back at you. You reap what you sow but it is so like Linda Brown to blame others for her mistakes.

As to legal announcements, tell me how I violated them on the other site? I didn't, therefore you are a hypocrite and are NOT open to anything. What you have is FEAR that I will rebut your posts, and others, and you don't want that. Fine but remember, you are not what you represent and that action has proven so. You shouldn't comment about such notices when you don't practice them yourself and those that post on the Nickel.

I have no intention of purchasing the "book" when I already have a copy and how do you know that I haven't read it? You don't even remember that Jan gave Kim a copy to see how it loaded on her ereader and you expect everyone to rely on your memory from years ago when you can't even remember from the past year?

Linda Brown wrote:Where have you posted any relevant and positive comments regarding the work of Townsend Brown? A scientific comment on bees? I hope you have more to offer than that.

That will come when you are gone but you can read all you want but not be able to post since your name will be removed from the forum list. I am sure you will appear as twigsnapper....but then I doubt it.

Linda Brown wrote:What about pictures of your gravitor and results of your work?

You told all on the Nickel that I fell flat on my face, therefore, there is no Gravitor. I am a liar...right? I am a bullshitter? ....right? Raymond says that I am a clown and a chicken wire engineer...must be right for no one in your camp makes assumptions and then insists upon those assumptions as truth and just ask hobbididance, the lady....(harrummph) never lies.

Fruitbat asked for me to show something when I was posting on the Nickel, an honest question that I considered. I considered in posting it on this forum for then I could control the photo and it's duration. I also considered in retaking a photo to not give anything away but yet portray some of the device but several things either happened or other thoughts entered my mind. One of which was that YOU would say that the photo was "photoshopped" for that would be a consideration that could be a valid point that would only lead to more of this "back and forth" Lindacrap. The other reason was that you eliminated my membership so I can't post and I won't post here for IF I did eliminate the photo then you would scream bloody murder. Actually, you helped make the decision by eliminating my membership but most of all, you claimed I fell flat on my face and done nothing...I'll go with that.

Linda Brown wrote:The notice goes on to say that this Forum is
Not intended for accusations? Libel or slander? Who here has been calling another an assortment of very unsavory names? When do you intend to start living up to the content of your own legal announcement? Linda

Are you saying that you didn't mislead/lie/obfuscate facts/portray falsehoods to everyone involved over the past 4 years since March of '08? (oh my, it will be four years this time flies when one lies)

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby Mikado14 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:26 pm

Linda Brown wrote:No doubt there Mikado at all.

The question now is.....If you reinstate your use of the site for another year..what does that mean for the future of it? More of the same?

I keep seeing your main topics about discussing the work of Townsend Brown but so far all you have done is use this Forum as a vehicle for your childish longrunning battle with me.

"Childish, petulant, spoiled, neglected daughter of Townsend Brown." Thats how you have described me....and a few other guttersnipe remarks that anyone can read if they bother to go back into the archives. You forgot others..... dedicated and resolute. I will not disappear from your life as long as you are involved here.

And will this be the future of the site?

Is this what all of your silent visitors are going to see when they visit this site. Are they coming to visit with you or are they coming here because of the name of the site....You know the answer to that.

And you must know that this will be an endless battle with me if you pick up the site for another year. I have decided that I rather like your description of me. It gives me all kinds of liberties here which I will continue to use...... Is this the future that you and Kim want for yourselves?

If you think that I will go away as long as you have anything to do at all with a site with my Dads name on it..... you are very mistaken.

Not that it means anything but for starts I would suggest that you spend some time on your Quonset Hut banner. Just slapping the little white hut over the ship everyone recognizes as the Resolute just represents how feeble your attempts to obscure my Dads work and my words are........ and anyone who looks at it recognizes that.

Don't you have the technical ability to draw up your own artistic renderings? Take charge more Mikado! After all.... this will be your responsibility now! You and Kim have a big effort in front of you!

You say that your so called " contract" with me means that you are required to give me access to post messages here. I dispute that contract but if it means so much to you then I would advise that you leave this message as it stands.

It can also be found on the Thats an Internet courtesy link that I am sure you and Kim will remove. And you call me childish!

Linda Brown

What link? I see no link and tell me what post of your crap has been deleted? The only posts deleted was when you either went on a rampage posting the same post on all the forums or when you posted only links and then the links were modified and you didn't even notice for DAYS....lmao at you on that one. As to any link, the forum automatically eliminates any links to the Nickel...don't believe me? Make another post with only the link to the Nickel and hit the "preview" button. It will automatically change it.

Your ignorance of how the PHP functions is displayed and has been displayed by you. That will continue to function that way for I will not promote a site that I know will continue with the libel for months if not years after you are gone. I watched you with Paul and asked you to stop for it was a slander/libel risk but did you listen? No and you will continue but I am not afraid to go after you and the owner of that site for slander/libel. I will show you how gutless I am.

And a comment about being "dedicated and resolute", that is a double edged sword that will cut both ways. You have displayed, as mentioned above, how dedicated and resolute you where/are with Paul to the point of slander/libel. You are still showing it with me for you started it and I have a right to rebuttal, at least for now. So, like a person who keeps attempting to commit suicide, they are resolute and dedicated as well.

Have your lawyer contact me, I await his/her letter.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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