BY WHAT Authority?

The further discussions of Science and Technology from T. T. Brown's work through today's breakthroughs and continuing research.

Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:54 am

Linda Brown wrote:The first thing that I want to point out in the fraud that you are perpetrating here Mikado is that when you Google the description of the site says " The authorized biography of Thomas Townsend Brown......"

I want to point out that this particular site has no " authorization " to the life story of my Dad at all and Mikado is flying under a false banner leaving that description up there

If he wants to say...." The work of Townsend Brown as seen and interpreted by a second class electrical engineer.... maybe that would be closer to the truth."

Linda Brown

I have no control over what the Google bot picks up. You know that after the 21st of this month, that will be resolved. After that date, your name will no longer be connected with this site. The banner this site is "flying" is accurate until that date. Stop attempting to alter the agreement.

As to truth, you wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the a$$.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:01 pm

Mikado.... You have just said

"After that date, your name will no longer be connected with this site. The banner this site is "flying" is accurate until that date. Stop attempting to alter the agreement.

I am not altering any agreement... there never was an agreement of any kind, save in your imagination.... but your word is up there now for all to see. After the 21st of January 2012 the name of Linda Brown will no longer be connected with this site.
I assume then that every one of my over 6000 messages here will be erased from the history of this place? That will leave all of your trite little messages to Linda M hanging in space then, won't it. Should make for some interesting reading. Looking forward to it.
I intend to hold you to your word here. Linda Brown
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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:35 am

On that " other site" that Mikado does not want to mention other than calling it the "Nickel" we have had an interesting contact by a daughter of a man my Dad met in the early thirties and the resulting information that Dad sent back to him was full of encouragement and also advice on a lab experiment.

As I have explained to everyone on my side... its as if Dad has reached over through the ages with information that we did need right now.... and to make sure that there is no doubt at all to the veracity of this paperwork she has been able to supply me with the cancelled letter from Dad.... sent to her Marine father.... stationed on a special project in China .... in the thirties.

THIS is the kind of authority I have been talking about Mikado. With all of your nasty raving..and jealous dismissals.. you will never have the upwelling of enthusiasm and support that will come in our direction.... because we are the rightful heir of this guidence.

And the saddest thing is that you had an opportunity sitting right with you, even playing chess with you, and you were unable to see what it actually was.

Names can be different. But a person has to recognize for themselves. Linda
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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:39 am

"I have no control over what the Google bot picks up. You know that after the 21st of this month, that will be resolved. After that date, your name will no longer be connected with this site. The banner this site is "flying" is accurate until that date. Stop attempting to alter the agreement.

Thats what you said earlier Mikado. What happened? Your "Handlers" decide that you couldn't remove it?

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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:08 pm

Linda Brown wrote:"I have no control over what the Google bot picks up. You know that after the 21st of this month, that will be resolved. After that date, your name will no longer be connected with this site. The banner this site is "flying" is accurate until that date. Stop attempting to alter the agreement.

Thats what you said earlier Mikado. What happened? Your "Handlers" decide that you couldn't remove it?


I answer to no one, especially not you. "Handlers"? ....more Linda stories to the masses.

I will miss the way you make me laugh. Go for your walk on the beach and remember to keep the sand out of your crotch.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:39 pm

Remove my name from your membership Mikado. What reason do you have NOW to hold on to it? Other than to simply keep your false membership number up? You removed Raymond I see but apparently he is still listed as a member. Why is that?

Linda Brown
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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:04 pm

Linda Brown wrote:Remove my name from your membership Mikado. What reason do you have NOW to hold on to it? Other than to simply keep your false membership number up? You removed Raymond I see but apparently he is still listed as a member. Why is that?

Linda Brown

In regard to Raymond....

....Because he broke his word to me. I had asked him previously to not put any links in his signature and he agreed. He then did it again and I called him. I said that if he didn't remove it then I would delete it. He said to delete all of his posts on the phone and then hung up.

I deactivated his account since he previously made the statement that he wouldn't be back and to deactivate. I did not deactivate him at that time but have done so now, as he wished but I will not delete his posts.

If he wishes to remain a member then I would be happy to reactivate him and he can send an email, his presence is still welcome.

As to keeping your name on the membership roster, well, I want you to use your lawyer. You said you were turning over information. You said you paid them. Well, I can wait to hear from them.

Hell's bells, I have already started to write a counter claim in the event that you do follow through on your saber rattling. Remember, your mouth made a check that your ass can't cash. Prove it to everyone that YOU are not the blowhard that you call others.

Now, these threads are eventually going to be locked down for no one wishes, other than those over that other site, to see this babble continue on this forum. I have not mentioned you since the 21st, have no intention of mentioning you unless it is on a topic in regard to your book, Paul's book or what you may or may not have done with your Father in regard to his work. As to you personally, I believe there has been enough of that discussed on this forum.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:13 pm

Mikado.... You are just following up on the plan that you had from the very first and that was to disable and take down the HUT.... your burning ship Avatar spoke to that when you began your move and you have accomplished exactly what you wanted to do. Don't think that everyone reading this can't see your exposed agenda. You came in to damage and destroy and that is exactly what you have managed to do.... all the time trying to blame me. It won't work. Too many people have watched this happening.

"As to keeping your name on the membership roster, well, I want you to use your lawyer. You said you were turning over information. You said you paid them. Well, I can wait to hear from them.

You can WANT me to do alot of things Sweetie but you will never know what I will do or when I will do it. You lost control a long time ago. You may have gotten the HUT but you have lost in so many other directions you would not be able to count. And do not ever figure that I am finished with you. I am the Sword over your head. Linda Brown
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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:18 pm

Linda Brown wrote:Mikado.... You are just following up on the plan that you had from the very first and that was to disable and take down the HUT.... your burning ship Avatar spoke to that when you began your move and you have accomplished exactly what you wanted to do. Don't think that everyone reading this can't see your exposed agenda. You came in to damage and destroy and that is exactly what you have managed to do.... all the time trying to blame me. It won't work. Too many people have watched this happening.

"As to keeping your name on the membership roster, well, I want you to use your lawyer. You said you were turning over information. You said you paid them. Well, I can wait to hear from them.

You can WANT me to do alot of things Sweetie but you will never know what I will do or when I will do it. You lost control a long time ago. You may have gotten the HUT but you have lost in so many other directions you would not be able to count. And do not ever figure that I am finished with you. I am the Sword over your head. Linda Brown

More saber rattling.

You don't intimidate me, you may have when I believed your stories but not any more.

Your through with me, at least that is what you continue to say, then do so. I am done with you.

Now, these threads are getting locked down, enough of this, it serves no purpose other than to display your angst at what you did to yourself. Who appears to be the one casting blame? Who is the one who can't shut up and move on? How many times has my name been mentioned at the NIckel in the past week? How many times have I mentioned yours here on this forum?

And then ask yourself that question again....Who appears to be blaming whom?

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: BY WHAT Authority?

Postby Linda Brown » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:04 pm

You said

" have no control over what the Google bot picks up. You know that after the 21st of this month, that will be resolved. After that date, your name will no longer be connected with this site.

Lets see.... that was written in January. This is now March. My name is still " connected" here very obviously because I am still a member.

Why is this Mikado. Explain why you are keeping my membership if not to continue to actively discredit me.

You and Kim complain about the remarks that I make here. So remove my membership.

Unless of course you have other motives? Seems a very simple solution to me. Why is it so difficult?

Remove my name from the membership.

Your usual response is " have your lawyer send me that letter".... but that really is extortion on your part. Even though I have already paid him I am loathe to use his time unwisely and you are trying to make me do that.... burn up his time. Not going to happen until it is worth it to me.

I demand again Mikado.... remove my name from the membership. Linda
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