Global Warming?

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Global Warming?

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:09 am

Here is an interesting article even though it is from the Huffington post. ... lp00000592

In short, a Professor Vlentina Zharkova is predicting a mini ice age will occur due to decreased sunspot activity. There are two layers of fluctuating magnetic waves beneath the surface of the sun that afford a more accurate means to predict sunspot activity. The last such occurrence happened in 1645 to 1715.

This will happen in about 15 much for global warming.

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Re: Global Warming?

Postby kevin » Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:12 pm

I would expect a vast difference between Norf and sarf.
With a compression and de-compression leading to a warmer North and a cooler South.

In this link they ask..."Why is the winds dropping" ... ooling.htm

I suggest again that the wind is not blowing, the atmosphere reacts to unseen electrogravitic flows, as those flows vary so does the wind and temperatures.

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Re: Global Warming?

Postby Chris Knight » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:31 pm

I hate to be so politically incorrect (since global warming has turned into something between a political and an almost religious topic), but..

Had you asked a geologist for an opinion, they would say that based on historical records, it's not really all that warm on planet Earth right now, and that the interaction of long-term and short-term solar cycles seem to have more effect on global temperatures than anything else, although pollution (particulate matter) can make a more localized, temporal effect.

That said, it appears that a cooling period (Maunder Minimum) is more likely. Or we could just continue fluctuating along.

Being in the northern climates, I have been preparing my home for a long-term cooling trend ever since we moved up here. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.

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A Nobel Laureate

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:27 pm

Here is an article from a Nobel Laureate that argues and puts the entire global warming issue on notice. He makes some very good points. Here is an excerpt:

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong' wrote:Although he endorsed Obama in 2008 along with more than 70 other Nobel-winning scientists, Giaever is now criticizing the president’s statements on climate change -- particularly his 2015 State of the Union remark that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

"The biggest problem Obama faces is climate change? How can he say that?" Giaever asked. "I say this to Obama: 'Excuse me, Mr. President, but you're wrong.' He is dead wrong...

"So global warming really starts with these two people: Al Gore and [former United Nations climate head Rajendra] Pachauri," Giaever continued. "And what they did - they made this curve popular...And what did this curve measure? Well, this curve measures what is the average temperature for the world for a whole year...For one year. So there's an average temperature for the whole Earth for one year and that measures in a fraction of a degree.

"So what does that mean? I think probably nothing. Let me talk about that again: From 1880 to 2015, the temperature has increased from 288 K [degrees Kelvin] to 288.8 K - 0.3 percent. I think the temperature has been amazingly stable.

"If I take where I live in Albany, New York, there is roughly an 80 K difference between summer and winter at some time, so would you think that a 0.8 degree average on the Earth makes any difference to the climate in Albany? Is that sensible to you?...

"I would say that global warming basically is a non-problem. Just leave it alone, it will take care of itself,” he added.

Am I the only one that has noticed that it has gone from "Global Warming" to the new term "Climate Change"? Why?

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Re: Global Warming?

Postby GManIM » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:29 am

Mikado wrote:Am I the only one that has noticed that it has gone from "Global Warming" to the new term "Climate Change"? Why?

:D Indeed. I have to wonder what is the agenda that drives these claims of anthropogenic climate change. Who will benefit and who will suffer?
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Re: Global Warming?

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 2:08 pm

Here is a link in regard to the "Father of Global Warming". ... it-is-now/

James Hansen from article wrote:Hansen has even admitted this.

“The last interglacial period, 120,000 years ago, that’s the last time it was warmer than today, sea level was 6 to 9 meters higher,” he said in an interview with online magazine Yale Environment 360.

So it has been warmer, and sea levels have been higher. And those conditions were entirely natural. Yet the alarmists want us to believe that the predicted warmth of today — which has yet to occur — is man-caused. How do they know? And why do they never mention that we are leaving the Little Ice Age and entering another interglacial period, an era that should be warmer as we gain distance from the cold period?

I totally agree about man polluting his environment which I firmly believe will and has greater impact than the carbon emissions.

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Re: Global Warming?

Postby Chris Knight » Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:50 pm

I think because "global warming" is too specific. "Climate change" can be construed to mean just about anything.

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