Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby KarenAnn23 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:06 pm

It is apparent that she has talked to Linda.

Yes, you are correct, there is only the truth and there are no sides.



Why do you say things like this ? I don't do this to you but it seems many people have already made up their mind and that annoys me because I am nice and polite I get a False like this ??

You asked me to point out who I thought was picking at me and I am now showing you ! Well, your wrong I haven't talked to Linda except what I have already told you, So why You of all people accuse me of something like this and in another thread say that you understand what I have gone threw. Tell Kevin the truth, I have not talked to you or Linda in years, but friend you could talk to me !
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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:47 pm

KarenAnn23 wrote:It is apparent that she has talked to Linda.

Yes, you are correct, there is only the truth and there are no sides.



Why do you say things like this ? I don't do this to you but it seems many people have already made up their mind and that annoys me because I am nice and polite I get a False like this ??

You asked me to point out who I thought was picking at me and I am now showing you ! Well, your wrong I haven't talked to Linda except what I have already told you, So why You of all people accuse me of something like this and in another thread say that you understand what I have gone threw. Tell Kevin the truth, I have not talked to you or Linda in years, but friend you could talk to me !


Linda said she talked to you over on the Token, that is why I said what it appeared to be. Let me rephrase...."it appears that Karen and Linda have spoken on the phone or via email since Linda made mention of the fact."
Karen, that is not a "False" or a lie. It is based on what Linda posted on the Token.

As to this..."Yes, you are correct, there is only the truth and there are no sides."....I said that because you made a comment about truth and sides. I agreed that with truth, there are no sides. What the hell did you find wrong with that?

Now, are you saying that I am picking on you? Listen, ....and listen well.....who wanted me to call? You did. Who answered my PM as to if they would answer at the times I could call? You did. Who did not answer when I called? You didn't. Who didn't answer the second time I called? You didn't.

I think you are looking to cause a problem, that is what I think for your posts are indicative of not reading or comprehending previous posts. Now, because of that, you are implying that I am the one "picking" on you. You are delusional or you are not reading fully and comprehending what I have said. As to what you have gone through...yes, I know from you what you went through with your accident. What does that have to do with your recent posts? Nothing as far as I can see.

As to telling kevin the truth....about what? Anything I have said in regard to Linda, I have posted citations, had others come here and posts as to what was said or I have posted photos etc. I have posted rebuttals to her rants where she provides no proof of her claims and of course my rebuttals can either have proof or not depending on her rant at which point it digresses into a situation of "he said she said."

As to your last statement, "....but friend you could talk to me !" I tried that....twice.....and got two different answering machine messages on the same phone line in less than a two hour period.

What the hell is it you want from me or anyone here?

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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:05 am

One more thing Karen:

" Tell Kevin the truth"

I have always posted the truth. If I am wrong, then correct me but you better be able to show proof and not be as Linda. When I have made statements of what I thought was truth, I always attempted to show where or why I said what I said and in some cases, others who were present or knew the facts corroborated my statements.

YOU need to stop implying that I am lying OR you need to tell me what truth I should be telling kevin.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby wags » Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:22 am

Oh and Karen,

Polite!!!!! What the heck does your crap have to do with this thread.!

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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby wags » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:11 pm

I have received some judgements from FB, and I am going to post a part that is relevant as he asks a question that I thought had been answered on day one. But I will allow others to answer for themselves; and it might also fulfil the desire expressed by FB..

Message Reads...

[Personal reason that I cannot reproduce, ]
I'm sorry but you don't give the good advice.
Nor do you take it.

If you were genuinely concerned with those people you'd be pushing as hard as I have been for them to reveal their victory conditions and work for a quick solution.

Instead you are supporting a team effort to defame an obscured scientist and bully his 70 year old daughter.

I do remember that kim is very unwell. She's also saddled with the legal ownership of that website and her child allegedly got killed. When she posts she posts what reads like honest simple well meaning thoughts, not the mealy mouthed crap that you and some of the others others specialise in. Of all of you she has my sympathy for her suffering, and if for no other reason again, you guys ought to publish your victory conditions and work for an end to this "war of the websites" and give her a bit more attention and the likes of me and Linda a whole lot less..

You do side with the "haters", you know. You liked me the most when I was full of hatred in my youth. You've always sided with those who have expressed strong hatred of me over the years (whilst pretending not to).

Your recent post hints at a suppressed resentment of something to do with Jupiter Aces in conjunction with me, and you constantly hint at me being obtaining some "advantage" from my association with Linda B in the face of the evidence to the contrary. Yet isn't it you who receives the parcels from abroad and me who actually occasionally sends things out in order to be helpful? Can you actually show me this advantage I have gained?

It is called friendship, talking about Grits, and cakes not the secrets of the Universe! lol

Can you not see the sneering unkindness in your byline about "how you are happy to provide an argument but feel no obligation to supply an understanding"?

You either understand something or you don't, if facts do not change your mind nothing will. I am not obliged mor is it possible to give you understanding!!

I'm going to end on your uncle's excellent byline; "The difference between you and me, is that I KNOW I'm a wanker!"


Make of that what you will
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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby kevin » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:37 pm

Your post was at 11.11..relative to this sites timing.
Who are the "haters"

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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby wags » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:49 pm

kevin wrote:Wags,
Your post was at 11.11..relative to this sites timing.
Who are the "haters"


I posted at 18:11 GMT.

I think all of those on here with one or two exceptions such as Rose.

But I have not been provided with a definitive list. I suspect you can make an educated guess as to whom is on it.
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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby kevin » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:04 pm

This site is timed to Eastern seaboard USA, I think?
I for one do not "hate " anyone, I have lost respect for some, and never held much for others.

I have not witnessed any hate towards anyone been posted here, contempt perhaps?
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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby wags » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:15 pm

kevin wrote:Wags,
This site is timed to Eastern seaboard USA, I think?
I for one do not "hate " anyone, I have lost respect for some, and never held much for others.

I have not witnessed any hate towards anyone been posted here, contempt perhaps?

Contempt yes that is a fine word to use in this context.

For me it is the behaviour I am annoyed about.
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Re: Steve Clarke has JUDGED you all!

Postby Kim » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:16 pm

Thank you for sharing this with us Wags. I think I will answer Fruitbat here, I know he will read it eventually.

Instead you are supporting a team effort to defame an obscured scientist and bully his 70 year old daughter.

I do remember that kim is very unwell. She's also saddled with the legal ownership of that website and her child allegedly got killed. When she posts she posts what reads like honest simple well meaning thoughts, not the mealy mouthed crap that you and some of the others others specialise in. Of all of you she has my sympathy for her suffering, and if for no other reason again, you guys ought to publish your victory conditions and work for an end to this "war of the websites" and give her a bit more attention and the likes of me and Linda a whole lot less..

I'm sorry Fruitbat, that you see everyone here bullying a 70 year old woman. I guess you don't see when she is bullying everyone here, especially me and I never did a thing or said a thing to or about her til she started her crap with me.

First I will comment on your statement about my son. First..who the f*ck do you think you are to write what you did?? "My son allegedly got killed" REALLY FRUITBAT!!!! WHAT MOTHER IN HER RIGHT MIND WOULD EVEN THINK THIS, LET ALONE SAY IT IF IT WAS NOT TRUE!! I'm sorry but I WILL NOT post my sons death certificate to appease anyone on the token. If you want to believe that I would lie about something so horrible, and believe linda, that is your problem, not mine. But do me a favor if you will, never write that again.

As to my being ill. Yes I am ill. But I try not to let my illness run my life. I have my days when just getting out of bed is difficult for me, but I don't let it stop me. As I tell my Drs. I just take my m dis and keep on going! I have survived a lot in my life and I refuse to let my illnesses stop me!!

As to me being "saddled" with ownership on this website....first, are you sure of this or do you just take linda at her word, again? And second, I wouldn't take it as being saddled, I would see it as an honor. This a a place where people who truly believe in the sciences can come and look for the truth because here they do their due diligence. Maybe others should do this too and stop,taking people at their word.

I apologize for the language or anything else I posted that offends anyone here. I am sick and tired of this bullsh*t about my son. Linda needs to keep him out of her mouth and I really hope people can see how malicious and evil she really is to say such things. And remember Fruitbat, if you question her about this, or anything really, you will be shown the curb.

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