A self perpetuating truth

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby StarCat » Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:22 pm

It's functional enough for me to backstroke myself into the pool wall. It's still very sore.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:19 am

Linda Leach apparently was commenting upon a post made by Traveler today. His post was made on a different thread but since it has no bearing to the thread topic and is more in line with this thread, thought I would post it here.

I know you don't read over at the Token, Traveler, at least at one time so I thought you would love this response to the one you made to fruitbat on a different thread:

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 377#p31377

Linda Leach wrote:Re: Andrews Story

Postby Linda Brown » Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:05 pm

Traveler has posted on the HUT that he indeed is an expert computer systems man

.... Yes... one who was the administrator on Paul Schatzkins Forum before it went down in flames... with him... Pauls good buddy... then.... maybe thanks to Traveler...The Forum was reinstated and has continued to be a vast library of information. That was helpful and still is proving to be useful.

Yes, Traveler, you were Mikados right hand man while the HUT blew up into such disarray and I was so thoroughly convinced that Fred was being a culprit....We even at the time had a very good time considering who "Hog Island" might be... as I remember the conversation.

Yes... you met with all of us in Vegas to discuss the problems...

Yes, you and your wife were wonderful hosts to Smith and me on the Lake. We enjoyed our visit very much and still remember it fondly.

Yes... you have been right there, sometimes under the surface because of your expertise in doing that sort of thing....... and I agree you are quite the expert.... and Yes, recently you have come back out of a sort of self enforced banishment from all of these activities to now stand so solidly behind Mikado in everything that he says and does.... (as if your pat on the back in Mikado \ Mikado xxxxxx direction is going to make him look less like the crazed mean spirited soul that he presents himself as being.) Its all very interesting to watch.

Yes.... you are quite the expert.

So... who do you really work for?

And don't give me that garbage that I know you have all prewritten.

It will eventually come out so I really don't have any concerns about it.

Just putting this out there to let others know that I do believe that there is some question about your loyalties...

I know that they are not to me. I doubt that you have any real loyalties toward Kim and Mikado because you have already told us what you think of both of them....

so in the end, I just wonder.... who is it that you ARE working for.

Linda Brown Pickering-Rosegate January 2015

What a bunch of bullshit. I'll let Traveler answer this ......steamer.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby TheTraveler » Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:48 am

Work for.... hummmm.

Well, if you must know, I work for Caroline. Really, I do and i'm here to hide all the truths that Linda has told to the world about our group, Morgan and Twigsnapper. Surely you all can see that no one in their right mind would believe that we want all that coming out in public. Her dad often said "She need not know" and wow is there a reason for that....

Myles... (arf) er.. Traveler

Actually I don't have time to give a proper response ATM, but stay tuned I will get back to this one!
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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:13 pm

StarCat wrote:Rose, didn't you know that this whole thing is a remake of Groundhog Day? Of course that's Candlemas for some of us. Best always.


Cat, I am surprised that you would talk about Candlemas. My understanding is that it is a Christian holiday and it was the presenting of Christ in the Temple.

I thought cats didn't like water? ...but then what do I know. Perhaps a crash helmet while you swim might help. Anyway, I wrenched my left arm getting dressed in multiple layers of jackets about two weeks ago and every freakin' time I get dressed to go out I do it again. I thought of you and your shoulder a few times. I'll learn to put my jackets on lower and not to the side.

Get well.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby kevin » Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:29 pm

Does anyone know who anyone is?

Hope You are beating the plauge Mikado?
It's causing havoc over here presently.
I am vanishing under a pile of tax returns, and had to have a front tooth out today, so I am a grumpy Me, but I am who I say I am.
Who was that klingon who blurted in, and then vanished?
He/she may have been optimistic with the 13 month doom and gloom senario.
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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:56 pm

Here you go Andy, she is at it again.

When you were deciding to come out and the tell truth of being in Linda's sphere of influence, I remember talking and saying that she will vacillate from being just out and out nasty to almost sounding rational.

Fred talks about being at the pool in August of 2010 in Vegas. He was talking to David at one end of the pool and Linda was at a different end. He looked at her and he remembers the look was one of pure evil and contempt. He interpreted that at the time to mean that she didn't like him talking alone with David. In retrospect, I know that look. It is a distant one where it is almost as if she is looking through you but the gaze....it almost, to me, appears empty...nothing there...but yet something was and it was going bump in the night but I just couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't until after the dust up in August of 2011 that Fred told me about the pool incident.

Did you ever see that? Did you ever see her go off about someone? Almost maniacal.

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 402#p31402

Linda Leach wrote:Re: Andrews Story
Postby Linda Brown » Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:47 pm

And I guess this has to be directed to the HUT "camp" since it is obvious to me that Andrew Bolland has joined them wholeheartedly in their poor opinion of me.


I have a question for you Andrew that perhaps only you can answer.

Why is it that you took it upon yourself to collect so much of the Carlos Allende material?What was it that fascinated you enough to actually do that?... or were you obeying instructions to " collect the hard evidence?"..... sort of a "mop up" order?

If that is the case... when you offered it all for sale on Ebay... did you already know that it was going to be picked up by certain individuals? I was just wondering if this was just a ploy on your part to demonstrate to others that you had indeed lost all interest in things like the Philadephia Experiment. Or was this your move to further obscure evidence?

It seems to me that is what you and Mikado Mikado ( Mikado) are actively doing right now and have been doing since Paul stepped up to ask about writing a biography on Dad.
Some sources have reported that it took you six months to respond to his inquiry about the family of Townsend Brown. Six months to decide to contact me about his interest? That by itself is interesting. I guess that I was just supposed to stay hidden away and unreachable for as long as could be managed.....So on one hand... while you were promoting yourself as the " spokesman for the Townsend Brown Technology"you were actively dragging your feet when it came to actually letting me interact with the " outside world"

And then when I did sign that contract with Paul and started asking for all of the material that you had in your posession.... how many panic buttons were being pushed? Because Mark Bean had Dads notebooks.... which you had leant to him without my consent or even knowledge.... and suddenly... you couldn't get them back! No wonder you were in a sweat! Exposed......and its been downhill for you ever since, hasn't it Andrew.

I told you if OTHERS had to retrieve those notebooks out of Mark Beans hands that your reputation with fellows who counted would never be restored........ and it hasn't been.

So here you are surrounded by the likes of Mikado Mikado and DavidG...such good stouthearted companions they are!

Linda Brown Pickering-Rosegate Consortium January 2015?

Take note....she is using "deceptive misdirection". She makes a question about a "mop up order" and then after stating so goes on to discuss in a manner that makes appear as reality. She brings up Mark Bean....again and even in her closing she mentions DavidG. David hardly posts here but does from time to time. Now why would she include him in her rant? How does he fit in with the rant in regard to the Allende papers sold on ebay? Or in regard to Mark Bean? The question is - why bring up DavidG?

Interested in your comments.

But my take on these posts that she has been putting up in your direction is a form of damage control. How many individuals, in the past 10 years has she ostracized when they confronted her? From my perspective, I was the first. My tenacity in the due-diligence and then my willingness in January of last year to bury the hatchett and her subsequent actions to others when they saw how she was. I don't need to rehash a good deal of it but I feel the need to point this out for I don't think it has been said.

I know you were watching the, as Rose so eloquently put it recently, Greek tragedy. You had to have been observing what was going on. The individuals who questioned and were thrown out. What shocked me the most were two individuals, Cat and hobbit. Her banning them from the Token was a sign of a someone having a breakdown, especially with the appearance of Myles. Neither one of them deserved what she did, especially hobbit.

And then you came forward. How is it that she has all these questions that go back all the way to when Paul first came on the scene? Did she ever have these before?

Or is she doing exactly what she claims others are doing, misdirection and discrediting. As I said previously, the lies that one tells to others usually start with the lies that we tell ourselves, and that is why she is doing what she is doing, the liars stammer. Ever notice that when a liar is found out and questioned, they can't stop talking and create a loop in what they are saying for if they are talking then the other party is too distracted to see the lie.....or so the liar thinks.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:58 pm

kevin wrote:Does anyone know who anyone is?

Hope You are beating the plauge Mikado?
It's causing havoc over here presently.
I am vanishing under a pile of tax returns, and had to have a front tooth out today, so I am a grumpy Me, but I am who I say I am.
Who was that klingon who blurted in, and then vanished?
He/she may have been optimistic with the 13 month doom and gloom senario.

It appears to be a little better but my teeth hurt and my head feels heavy.

Tax returns,......arrrrrgggghhhhhh....that is coming up here as well.

Not too sure who the Klingon is and I did ask what he meant by the 13 month thing but so far, no reply. What do you think?


PS: sorry about the tooth...I'd make a joke about a string and a door but you probably wouldn't laugh......
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Chris Knight » Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:32 pm


I'm not sure if anything in Linda Leach's post really deserves any response, but I can throw out a few comments:

1) It is true taht can be very lazy about returning emails. I think it was about three months between the time I heard from Paul and when I responded with Linda's answer. At that time I was going up to Yucca Valley every month or so, so I didn't see Linda as much then although we talked a bit more than that - things were pretty quiet then and just my TTB website was up.

So, yes, it took awhile for me to get the message printed out and to Linda, for Linda to mull it over (a long while), and for me to get back to Paul. The delay wasn't just me being lazy.

2) I collected a lot of stuff regarding the Philladelphia Experiment and TTB - everything I could get my hands on from Ebay. In the earlier times TTB was all about the Philladelphia Experiment. It was quite the find to get Allende's original seaman certificate.

After Linda Leach's games finally came to light, I had no more interest in them, and I certainly wasn't going to forward them to her ! So, I recouped some of my financial losses (to the highest bidder, of course). I also sold a bunch of TTB stuff I had collected over the years - original magazines and articles, miscellanious. I mailed Linda Leach her stuff in two big boxes and sold, gave away, recycled, or simply threw away the rest. Yup, just tossed it.

3) When Linda Leach contracted with Paul, she didn't ask for anything back. At all. I was included in the package and asked to supply Paul with anything I felt would be useful to him. I was a "technical consultant" and boy was I stoked. Linda Leach had said that all the TTB materials were mine to distribute as I saw fit. Remember that I had a contract with Paul as well - one which I released him from several years ago.

When we were in Las Vegas, she told me that I could bring "whatever I felt comfortable with."

There are no mysteries here, and no defense from the truth.


P.S. Linda Leach says that Brittany Spears came to her house and bought one of her Yorkies - the Yorkie she was photographed with numerous times. It would be fun if someone knew how to check that story out.

Also, Michelle Kwan (the ice skater) called Linda Leach for a Yorkie, but Linda declined the offer to sell one to her (???) Lol.
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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby StarCat » Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:27 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
StarCat wrote:Rose, didn't you know that this whole thing is a remake of Groundhog Day? Of course that's Candlemas for some of us. Best always.


Cat, I am surprised that you would talk about Candlemas. My understanding is that it is a Christian holiday and it was the presenting of Christ in the Temple.

I thought cats didn't like water? ...but then what do I know. Perhaps a crash helmet while you swim might help. Anyway, I wrenched my left arm getting dressed in multiple layers of jackets about two weeks ago and every freakin' time I get dressed to go out I do it again. I thought of you and your shoulder a few times. I'll learn to put my jackets on lower and not to the side.

Get well.


Before it was the celebration of Jesus's presentation at the temple, it was Imbolc, the start of the lambing season. Some pagans use the term Candlemas, and some call it Imbolc. Of course people from Pennsylvania torture groundhogs on national television.

Tigers are cats, and they love to swim. I used to have a cat that liked to get in the shower. I currently have cats that like to bathe in the bathtub.

Shoulders are tricky. I wrenched mine again last week. I slipped on the ice while getting in the car. It made it hurt more, but no actual damage. Beats a concussion any day. Thanks for the good wishes. Now go put your lung back in. It looks messy just laying there on the floor.

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Re: A self perpetuating truth

Postby Fruitbat » Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:11 am

Hold yer horses there amigo!
When you say "Neither one of them deserved what she did, especially hobbit" that is the sort of misdirection you accuse Linda of!

I was there.
Hobbit PLEADED to be deleted first from the Resolute ('cos he don't like me!) then from the Token.
That is a well documented fact. Hobbit got exactly what he asked for.

Cat is a different and from my perspective less easy to understand story, as is (from my perspective again) your own, Mikado.

As for Andrew Bolide, and his actions and activities, I have to admit I'm really confused!

Still, I'm sure if I go and get some more popcorn and keep watching, the truth will emerge timorously from it's foxhole eventually as it usually does.

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