Honest answers to fruitbat

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby Mikado14 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:56 pm

I have been away for awhile and have not been reading the forum due to not being near a computer. I am going to answer fruitbat as to what he has expressed both to what wags has written and to the link that kevin referenced elsewhere.


You stated something about "victory conditions". This must be a manner of speech that is from your culture. I am not looking for a "victory". I am looking for peace. It was in July of 2010 that I believed there would be peace. Linda and I met at the McDonalds in Phoenixville in July of 2010. We agreed to go our separate ways and that was that. I hugged her and I wished her luck when we parted. It was short lived for in the beginning of August, she started attacking me in small ways with barbs. I rebutted her. I talked to a lawyer about the slander that she was posting and it was on his recommendation that Linda was removed as an admin. I did this after she posted that Kim took drugs (she recanted and said at a later date that she was referring to "prescription drugs" but you and I both know that she intentionally said what she said and only recanted as an after thought). And the rest is history.

Who started it? She did. I agreed to walk away. If she would have stuck by her agreement, she would not only own this site, which she would have gotten at the expiration of the term with the hosting site in January of 2012, she would also own the domain name when it came time for renewal in April of the same year. I believe it should be apparent as to why that never happened.

Therefore, the answer to what you consider "victory conditions", if you mean what would it take to end this, I have stated this on many occasions. She shut ups and not mentions myself or comments about myself or anything in connection with my life or those in my life, then I too will follow suit. It is really that simple. No money....no contracts.....no NDA's or agreements.....her inaction would cause my inaction. Nothing more, nothing less since she has proved that her word is about as valuable as a tit on a boarhog thus her not doing a thing will get me not doing a thing. I call it, the reap what you sow derivative. If she sows no comments, she will reap no comments from me.

On to the next question/misinformed statement. You seem to be under the illusion that Kim is the owner of the Hut. Not anymore. When the Hut was first started in the spring of 2009, Kim was listed as the owner of the domain name. It was explained to Linda so that she would be anonymous and leave her personal information from being public and I didn't want my personal information out there either. Kim's address was on a house we shared in Reading, PA. However, my address was different that I used for identification. As to the Quonset Hut (the domain owner and a site owner can be two different entities, usually, there is a license agreement involved), there was no listed owner and the original site was Mid Valley Hosting in Oregon. Since Fred knew the owner personally, we didn't go through the normal contracts. Around 2011, the ownership of the domain name was changed to my cousin Alex and it was explained to Linda why this was being done. When my cousin passed away, it was in his will to be left to an entity. It is currently owned by that entity (registered in the state of Pennsylvania). The registration is listed as Private with GoDaddy. Now, there you have the truth. It may not be what Linda has been wholesaling to the public but it is the truth and I have not ever written it before. I am sure she has Googled it and found it to be listed as private but she still insists on telling everyone that Kim owns it. Google it yourself, you'll see that it is listed as private and if you really want more, my cousins last name was Biddle and he died in 2012....yes....those Biddles. As to the entities name, it is listed and registered with the Department of Revenue, Corporations Bureau and it is not relative to anything in regard to the Token. If you need to correspond with the entity for business purposes, I would be happy to forward them for you at the present.

As to packages, yes, I sent a package to wags. The reason was that he didn't know what grits were. I said that I would send him some. I also included some "TastyKakes" which is unique to the Philadelphia area (they may have been a little stale by the time he received them). I did this merely as an act of friendship. Very similar to information that was promised to you if you promised to keep it secret to yourself to be used for your experiments that you said you would not agree to. You too could have had a package. In fact, Kim was talking about sending wags another package which was due to a comment he made. You see, friends do this, they may send things to each other and that is the truth in that. I even invited him to the US and in fact, your invited to. I would be more than happy to invite you to the next MidEast Conference as my guest, just as I did to wags. You might enjoy yourself.

And now about the paper burnings. Here is the original post:

Kim wrote:Re: Accuracy is missing
Postby Kim » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:31 pm

Peetee le trickfox wrote:
I don't mind the occasional negative comments you may make regarding our dearly departed Mikado, however PLEASE let this fencing die down as best as it can...

Dearly departed? Am I reading this right Raymond or is this just your wish? It is soooo amusing to me how two-faced you are. Hmmmm now you have a new name, two-face, sounds appropriate. and I WILL work on Mikado so you do NOT get the data that he put together and has sitting here for you. You have shown your true colors in this yourself. As a matter of fact I will get rid of them now, while he is indisposed, he will forgive me.

I want you to notice the dates. I also want you to notice who/whom Kim is talking with. Kim was not talking about getting rid of anything that belonged to Raymond, it was data sets from my work. I allowed this continue after Linda started claiming that Kim burned Ray's papers. The reality was that they were papers "for" Raymond. I kept the ruse up and allowed Kim to keep doing the ruse after Linda first claimed it a good while ago knowing full well it was wrong. I should have corrected it then but allowed Linda to run with her throttle out making statements and claiming that she had it on good authority etc. Also, I have been told that Linda is claiming that the books shown are Raymonds' Assert books. Yes, one of the photos is the Assert book. The other is the book he compiled and gave to me in Vegas in 2008. I also stated previously that there were papers that are loose and not bindered but I did not photo them and I stated such along with the photos. And now you have the truth in regard to the papers.

Now, as to your comment about "alleged". Kim's son is gone, nothing alleged. There is nothing to tell. However, why is this so important to Linda? She was at the house we had in Reading, although she stayed in the Suburban while Dave and I went in, she saw his ashes in the necklace that Kim wears everyday. She was here first hand in June of 2010 and saw "things" to attribute to the event. See can't even remember his name but feels compelled to comment. I feel as if this "explanation" is only satisfying some morbid game started by Linda and continued by you as if important on some level. Let me say, truthfully, it is not relevant to anything either on the Token or on the Hut and I will say no more. How would you respond if someone said, "the alleged death of Blackjack"?...and he was just your cat and not your son.

As to Kim's being ill. She is terminal. We see Doctors several times a month. Does that have any bearing on the Token or the Hut? No, it does not. I believe that somewhere, I don't feel like looking it up, I made a post about her illness. It was made to be honest and open and for no reason other than that. Kim is quite capable of holding her own with Linda or with anyone. She may be quiet from the forums for a while and that is why I made the post. As far as how long she has, the Doctors are not specific. She is at stage two of four stages. Her disease is called PBC, Primary Biliary Cholangitis. The bile ducts become inflamed and the bile will eventually attack the liver. She is in pain almost daily and it affects a good deal of other parts of her body. She has developed diabetes from it as well as chronic gastritis and now breathing problems. They have estimated that she has between 5 and 10 years at most before a transplant. The good news is that she was taken off the transplant list for the time being. Those are the highlights. As a parting question, what business is it of anyone on the Token as far as it applying to Brown and his work and/or anything with Linda? My response is nothing.

This is in response to those here that you call haters. Here is a truth. Look at the forums here and on the Token. Who posts first? Who posts second? In other words, who makes first comment and who makes the response? Who copies from here the most and refuses to include a link? (and it is not fair use, look up what fair use is) Who claims that this site is a cesspool and is through with it but continues to copy and post?

If you can, are you capable of truthfully answering the above questions?

If I have missed a question, speak soon or I will not answer and leave you to assume the truth or listen to the ill informed truth of someone else. But ask yourself this, in the past months, how much have I posted in regard to Linda versus how much she has posted about just myself and then, look at how much has been posted about her in the same time frame by others and how much she has posted about others. I believe, if your honest with yourself, as to where the largest numbers lie.

As to picking on a 70 year old lady. Perhaps if you have answered the questions that I posed above, you will see the truth and the fallacy in your statement.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby wags » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:16 am

As Mikado has responded to FB, this is was my response and what he is apparently prattling on about.
It may not be my finest but it really is not worth the trouble. But I notice that Mikado echoes much of the same points I mentioned and found that of interest, no doubt the masters of deception will twist of course but that is delusionism for you. lol

Message From me to FB reads:
[His original on his judgement thread page 68]

The Jupiter Ace issue was something you mentioned to me as the reason why you contacted me. It was a message for you to examine your own Character and motives not a reflection of the resentment on my part. I know you well enough to realise that gold is your weakness, but as a friend it was overlooked as no one is perfect, just meant that I and others were more cautious parting or negotiating with you when money was involved. Personally I hated that and why I insisted on a single transparent price for everything as this always ruined what you sold, something you have never understood to this day.

My resentment is that you expected what had already had or was given freely. You took that as an entitlement that I do really resent.

I have no interest in TTB it is in my opinion one big hoax, that is of zero scientific value. You will find nothing there. My opinion

As for Linda you are wrong and it is only a matter of time when you realise you have been conned. My opinion

I don’t give advice I give an opinion, take it or leave it. Whatever not my problem.

There victory conditions were asked on day one and have not changed.

Simple : Total separation, no personal post and no contact. That has been the policy and it is what I have been advising at all times. My posts have that purpose in mind. If you notice you will see fewer posts and less bile from the HUT. Do not confuse assertive rebuttals with aggressive bullying. Linda makes assertions such as burning papers without evidence or accusing Kim of being responsible for worse one of which you repeat.

And Linda’s conditions are what?

She should stop defaming, threatening and lying about others and she will be left alone. Her age does not come into it. Her conduct does.

There is no team never has been, just individuals that have arrived at a different view from you. There is no coordination or vast conspiracies or PM’s.

I have a lot of resentments true, I am entitled to. After what I have been through, Linda Leach and even you are quite frankly not really registering as a problem more a minor disappointment and irritation.

I a few [... Redacted...] other real problems that need to be addressed rather than sit on my backside wallowing in self pity at my misfortune and demanding others including friends to give me stuff.

I take no lectures from you on my ethics or moral choices that you have not appreciated, studied let alone attempted by your actions implement.
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Linda admits her statements were lies

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:10 pm

Here is another truth fruitbat and it is from Linda's own mouth...er....fingers.

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 069#p38069

Linda wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers
Postby Linda Brown » Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:14 pm

Mikado can't help himself.


He NOW REVEALS what has been going on behind the scenes.


But no one would have believed the treachery if it had come from just me.

Look at the care someone has taken to hide behind the actors they have fronted on this stage!

And they want me to step away and simply "let them be?"

That's not going to happen.

Kim? You have chosen you lifestyle and its consequences. We are all terminal....find the Peace you deserve.

You do not need to be wound up in what Mikado represents and has brought to your door step.

There are no "conditions for Victory" There will be no withdrawal here.There are no conditions.

Since you have no stake in this...why are you here? " everyone has an AGENDA.You have stated your position plainly.

THOUGH BY NOW..I think that the people most used by you are wearing down to nothing....or see through you...in which case...you are forced now into withdrawal. You try to tell those around you that this is by your choice...but it is not. When someone lights a match...the darkness has to retreat. When someone maintains a fire....darkness can not return.

FIRST, WE BUILD A FIRE. My Dads' words, and I am following them.
Townsend Brown Family Consortium
Feb 18', 2016

What is it that I can't help myself with? Telling the truth?

Judging by the manner Linda has typed the above, I would say she is fairly if not pretty well riled. Further, just in case no one has noticed, Linda has just admitted to a lie. She has been stating a lie for quite a few years now. She has been asked on several occasions if she was sure of her facts but she persisted in her usual sociopathic enthusiasm.

Linda just admitted that she knew about my cousin. However, she still shows her ignorance and is now proclaiming as truth, something entirely different.....

...and that is, that the site is owned by the Quonset Hut.....uh.....duh......the site is the Quonset Hut so it is redundant. Perhaps Linda meant to say that the domain name is owned by the Quonset Hut. Far be it for me to assume or to put meaning to Linda's words, remember how she is and was so adamant about no one telling her anything for she does her own thinking. Usually, when someone lives by that rule, they have closed ears and eyes and refuse to learn anything while knowing it all.

So fruitbat, look at what Linda calls treachery. She has been, for years mind you, claiming that Kim is the owner of the domain ttownendbrown.com. She was corrected at times over the years with a simple statement that Kim was not but that little tidbit didn't stop her from still proclaiming so. She was told on several occasions..."are you sure?"....and she would declare forward that she was by her continued proclamation that Kim was the owner.

And now, she claims she knew about my cousin the whole time....so....now carefully think about this.....who is the treacherous one? Who is the actor hiding behind a lie on a stage?

You seriously need to look at this statement, fruitbat:

There are no "conditions for Victory" There will be no withdrawal here.There are no conditions.

You have your answer, fruitbat. Linda doesn't want any of this to end and yet you ask wags what it would take and I give a simple answer, the same answer I have always given. Again I ask....who is the treacherous one? Who is the one with an agenda and cannot leave in peace?

I ask another question but first I remind you about the comment you made as to "picking on a 70 year old lady" (paraphrasing). In viewing Linda's comment I ask you this: Who is picking on whom? Of course, your answer is yours alone and no one is attempting to coerce you into a specific answer. I am merely pointing out, in Linda's own words, that while you are asking what it would take to end this bickering and jabbing, Linda pointedly states that it will never end. As a comment, she doesn't know how to shut up. I have walked away several times with no rebuttals to her vitriol. I do come back periodically and set the record straight and will until such time that she is reduced to nothing more than that 70 year old lady grinding away on an axe to attack what she created.

And lastly, you really should look at her comment about Kim's terminal illness in that "We are all terminal". That is an obvious statement, everyone dies, everything dies, the song ends. The difference in this instant is that a Doctor has told Kim that she has a condition that will end her life. He cannot give an exact date, an approximation, but he can tell you how it will progress and how it will affect your body, in short, a preview of coming attractions. I ask, do you know the manner that will end your life? We all go through our life not knowing the manner in which our lives will end and we live each day in ignorance of that knowledge. Can you imagine what it is like to know the likely hood of the situation that will end your life?

And you have to look at Linda's comment. What is it that makes a person say what she did? Do I need to actually state the type and character of an individual that would make that statement? Most normal individuals would not make any statement and would just pass it by or at the very least think that I am glad that is not me. Linda chose to make a statement, an obvious truism in an attempt to discount the strife that Kim goes through everyday. Now I ask you, what kind of person does this? Again, you will answer this in your own mind and I need not know your answer.

In Linda's own words you have some measure of proof of what others have been saying.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby wags » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:32 pm

May I remind the woman that I was approached by her 'Freelance' Agent to try and resolve the madness (his words). He felt I was in a position to resolve this dispute, for a variety of reasons. I was sceptical on many grounds not least the belief I held based on her posts that she wouls as she has reiterated her 'no conditions' that would work. He had the harder job of getting her to stop rather than me stopping Mikado.

Now I am accused of failing to getting to a speedy resolution. What could I do, he had the ability to negotiate with Mikado something more than what he managed as he refused to talk to the man and sought to continue to bother and blame me for his failure to sought out his mistress.

He was given the conditions yet appears to continue to be ignore the self evident facts that he must be drowning in.

I am not here to answer the raving of a woman who has no empathy and a man with ancient dreamed up perceived grudges of unfairness I have allegedly committed against him.

...oh and lets not forget of course received a present of cereal and cakes from friends in the U.S.A. lol

What a disappointment! but no matter, onwards and go forth (In their case add there own expletive) to coin a phrase. ;)
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Postby Mikado14 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:56 pm

In the past, fruitbat, you have asked questions in regard to editing/deletions and for proof. I have posted, so far, all that I can to answer your questions that you have asked over time in an attempt to come to an end of all this. I hope that for as long as this site is up, the bots will pick up the counter to statements that have been made elsewhere by others.

Here is an answer as to those questions and/or statements you have made in the past about how I or KIm have edited and deleted posts made by others. Admittedly, I have moved posts to other threads where I felt they were more apropos but I gave plenty of notice and also a link to where they were moved.

It should be pointed out that on the thread where certain links have been copied here to rebut, a window comes up saying they are not there. For instance:

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 085#p38085

The above link which went to a post made by Linda which is located here on the Hut at: viewtopic.php?p=38187#p38187

Apparently, Linda has deleted the post.

In the same thread there was this post:

Linda wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers

by Linda Brown » Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:10 pm

He could have removed that comment about Kim son, but he left it...because he enjoys watching her struggle.


This post was altered/edited to read:

Linda wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers

by Linda Brown » Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:10 pm

Wags could have removed that comment about Kim son, but he left it...because he enjoys watching her struggle.

she could have deleted his comment...but she needed it. What kind of Mother, she asks.


...none of the above no longer exist. In fact, the last post was made on February 16th at 1:10. What happened to all the posts that were made that followed it?

Now ask yourself this. Where is Linda's proof of the posts she claims are missing from this site? (This same claim was made by ecker just recently but I believe him to have no proof but is just parroting Linda)

But I have just given you proof of Linda doing exactly what she denies doing but blames others, editing and deleting.

I am only attempting to answer questions/statements you have made with honesty substantiated with some proof which is a great deal more than is presented elsewhere. I am not attempting to persuade you in any direction but to offer proof in as an honest and forthright manner as possible. It is always your decision how you choose.


edit: this post was edited due to my hitting the "submit" instead of the "preview" button by mistake.
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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby kevin » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:12 pm

The thread in question on the comic forum is slowly vanishing.
There are now only 9 replies, and Griffin is now the first poster.
Comic forum?
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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby kevin » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:14 pm

I wrote a long post to fruitbat about for how long I had worn the teashirt He now wears, but couldn't be bothered after a while.
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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:51 pm

kevin wrote:The thread in question on the comic forum is slowly vanishing.
There are now only 9 replies, and Griffin is now the first poster.
Comic forum?

Yes it is. You can tell that Griffin did not start the thread for it begins with "Re:". All first posts in a thread do not have that.

Further evidence that Linda is altering/editing/deleting.

In fact, with Griffin's post being first, where does it even apply to the thread topic for there is no mention of Kim or any papers by him?

Linda doing what she does best and accuses others of doing.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby wags » Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:04 pm

Well I guess that means she wished she had not started that particular line of imagination lol

Maybe FB likes the attention wearing that t-shirt ...
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Re: Honest answers to fruitbat

Postby kevin » Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:02 am

wags wrote:Well I guess that means she wished she had not started that particular line of imagination lol

Maybe FB likes the attention wearing that t-shirt ...

Our limited senses cannot see what is at the back of ourselves, so fruitbat won't know what is written on the back of the T-shirt.
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