The keys to the Ferrari

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The keys to the Ferrari

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:05 am

Years ago in the original "ttbrown" forum, Paul would post each chapter when he was finished with it for open review. There would be many discussions over the recent installment and there would be continuing discussions on past installments but Thursdays was the day to look for in the hope of the next morsel to feed the conversation.

The Book "Defying Gravity" was begun by Paul as a biography. It was never meant to be a "science" expose. However, how could one write an autobiography of a man purported to have experimented and worked in the field of science without discussing the science or even his accomplishments? The short answer to that is you can't.

Whenever the discussions went into the science, Paul coined a saying in regard to the answers, the phrase was "being given the keys to the ferrari". This referenced any of the questionable science being discussed, whether it be gravity, dimensional travel or even time travel. This was what I call....The Carrot.

Over the years, this "Carrot" has been used to attract members to the various forums. When members began to question aspects of historical content of Paul's Book, they were ostracized, picked upon, ridiculed by one individual who instigated the crowd to turn and ridicule others, Paul included, not knowing a thing about who they were ridiculing other than what was said by one person who instigated the ridicule. At all times this person presented the scenario of possessing knowledge, hidden knowledge of Brown's, that she would give to the right person. This was done on the Pegasus forum to a degree upon which she was called into question as to her relationship to Brown. This was done rightly so since she did say she would provide materials to the group. However, when they questioned who she was, she was conniving enough to turn the entire argument into one of providing her Birth certificate and proving who she was which she continues to this day but with no mention of anything else she promised. The fact she promised to provide heretofor unknown/unpublished work of Brown was left in the background over the noise and was soon forgotten. But I remember Zorgon asking the question, only once, where was the information? His logic at the time was, if you promised the information and now you can't present such therefore you must not be Brown's daughter. The act of giving this knowledge was referred to as - being presented the keys to the ferrari.

I know that she has no keys to the ferrari so I will ask one question. It's really quite an easy question with two parts.

What is the danger with the lifter and how is the danger created?

The person either knows the answer or they don't. Knowing full well the plethora of excuses that will be presented of which one will be making it public, I offer the following: send via email. I will answer honestly if your answer was correct.

Now of course there will be postings demanding who I am to ask this. Postings saying I know nothing. Postings of ridicule and I say....

....present a blank key with one tooth cut. That's all.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: The keys to the Ferrari

Postby wags » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:18 pm

I would like to make one observation here regarding withholding information deliberately from those who are conducting these experiments weather it be a lifter or indeed any other project.

Regardless of any other issue outstanding that information should not be withheld as any accident or injury is in my opinion reckless in the extreme. Weather it be radioactive emissions, high voltage issues or other strange issue should be pointed out.
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Re: The keys to the Ferrari

Postby Jeeves » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:04 pm

I thought some of those "hidden" papers were passed out to the internet by Bolland back when the Brown stuff was on ebay. The Space Structure and some math (said to be Kitselman's) and some more Brown notebooks that weren't on the website were around to look at. It may have been Rex research that had them. There was another paper or two, but I can't remember what they were. I may even have them on my old computer.

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Re: The keys to the Ferrari

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:16 pm

I was told that Andrew had posted the Structure of Space and the Kitselman Math, which is NOT Kitselman, was put up on the Pegasus Inventor's forum which is behind a password protected area.

I am aware of the seven notebooks which would mean 3, the balance of 4, 5, 6 and 7 are in Linda's possession after they were returned by Paul.

Any other papers, I wouldn't know but I am aware of Andrew selling out all of the Philadelphia Experiment/Moore papers on ebay and I believe Zorgon from the Pegasus forum purchased them. I bid on some of them but it got a bit too salty for my taste.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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