My experiences

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Re: My experiences

Postby Soloma » Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:03 pm

Kevin, twinkle twinkle indeed. The radiance with which this "star" was shinning was like nothing I have ever seen. Imagine a golden light emanating to all major compass points, I described it as if I was squinting to create a blur of the object. Except I was not squinting, I have never seen anything like it. This is when I noticed the temperature had changed.

I did not stay out long this time even though it was a quite bit more temperate. It was just so in my face, that they were interacting with me. Not exactly easy to deal with, I sort of felt like since they were taking up the "star" routine to present to any highway passer by`s that our interaction was done. Perhaps if I had thought "beam me up Scotty"?

Still working on my courage, should I even be considering this??? I have had such negative experiences in the past, my perspective, which really when I look back has only been for my highest good. I feel like I have grown quite a bit since these encounters, is there any wisdom in pursuing a meeting? I can not believe I am typing this.

As for hot and cold, if everything is a vibration, would this then not be varying degrees of overlapping frequencies that create these hot and cold effects?

Luis, my quest has always been, why am I here and how does the universe work. When I was a little boy I was having these close encounters, I was afraid of the little men that came for me at night (greys/hybrids?). I thought as a little boy, I want to make a difference in this crazy mixed up world. My experiences in of themselves might contain information that helps to clarify both questions, I figure by sharing I might be able to benefit others with similar experiences on the same quest.

Mikado, thank you for providing me a place to work through these experiences.
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Re: My experiences

Postby kevin » Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:52 pm

"Overlapping frequencies"
Like a little sun.
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Re: My experiences

Postby Soloma » Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:34 pm

Yes, all very interesting. I know Nancy brought up in another thread how when she closes her eyes, she sees things. I know what she means, often I am wondering if I am seeing your lattice structure and various frequencies forming everything from seven reptilians to vivid scenes of of various humans or humanoids doing mundane things. It is very fluid, as if alive, these lines of energy I seem to see that form these visions. It usually is in two colors, the whole vision is usually made up from these two dark yet contrasting colors. Sometimes however there are many colors and the most amazing geometric formations, very fractal at times. More often than not these visions are menacing.
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Re: My experiences

Postby kevin » Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:54 pm

There is nothing to fear, except fear.
We are akin to radio recievers, whatever channel We attune to finds us.
Fear contracts Your local field, to protect the eternal You, into the heart.

It's absolutely fantastic, this whole wacky universe.
To boldy go where no man has gone before....sort of.
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Re: My experiences

Postby Soloma » Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:22 pm

Yes, fantastic indeed. I have been reading Tom Montalk these last couple of days. He talks about the energy these beings put out, I am sure I know what he is talking about. Being in proximity to their ships also submits one to these higher vibrations. This is why it seems like I must fast and meditate, to be able to handle the increased energies.

If this is the first in a uptick in experiences, then perhaps there might be a physical contact that I am conscious for that I initiate. This sighting explains why I have been on edge, way over eating. Things are fixin' to get interesting, that is for sure.

As far as fear goes, I had an uptick when the craft went from looking like a plane to doing loopty loops and flashing the multi colored lights. Once I settled down, I changed to go outside and meet them. Before I went outside, I was going to need to use the bathroom, there are no blinds. I looked out the window to see the star start doing its humming bird impersonation again. So I sat down and did my business, with the ufo obviously watching me.

I think I am getting over my fear and coming to accept the fact that this part of my life, I may as well do my best to explore and understand it.
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Re: My experiences

Postby kevin » Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:27 pm

If You want to smash Me for posting this, it's OK.
It always makes Me laugh.....
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Re: My experiences

Postby Soloma » Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:53 pm

I too laughed Kevin, thanks. The whole experience has me rather perplexed so I welcome the levity.

My problems lie in fear. Not so much I am shitting myself anymore fear but fear of making a wrong decision. I think back to 2009 when I was having multiple encounters, it all seemed so terribly negative, like they were enjoyed tormenting me. They knew I knew, they were in my face, just not in the physical and personal sense that I can remember. Except for the being of light, while not a physical encounter, at least I remember it. That was like a out of body experience wrapped inside a dream, however it was a most powerful experience.

Then of course it is written that the devil will come to you as if an angel of light. When I gave permission to the being of light to help me battle the entities that were harassing me, did I unknowingly give permission to the wrong team? Were the 10`s of thousands ships of light that I saw the good guys as I had been praying for or the bad guys who can pick up our prayers and answer them with ulterior motives?

I can not help but consider the experience was overall positive, I do not think I was abducted, I am not having any nightmares and I am actually sleeping. This is contradictory to my first encounter in 2009, of course I have changed a bit since then. Perhaps it is this new perspective and that I do not think I was violated that has me hoping these are the good guys.

How am I to know if I am making correct decisions? Are they even my decisions? I can say one thing for sure, synchronicity has kicked up recently. This would be another factor to lead me to believe perhaps these are positive entities trying to make contact with me.

But is it all manipulation? Certainly, to what means I have not a clue. What to do?
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Re: My experiences

Postby LuisP » Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:37 pm

Well Soloman,
On one hand, if one is an adept of the theory that positive thinking attracts positive experiences and negative thinking attracts negative experiences (which I, for the record, am a believer of, even if only through a very particular System of Belief ) and if,
On another, one is an adept of the theory that ignorance or a refusal to deal with something that will exist independently of our actions (or knowledge) only helps that existence to thrive while condemning one to eventually suffer its effects and thus probably end just being, as Lenin liked to say, a “useful idiot” to that existence or objectives (which I, for the record, am a believer of, and that from simple notions of common sense),

It is safe – nay – it is imperative, to conclude that (a) one should always strive to know what one does not know, (b) one should strive harder to know what one fears, and (c) one should absolutely strive the hardest to know what one does not know AND fears !

All this to say – Thanks for sharing, and keep doing it. And - if I may advise - use your fear to drive you onwards, not backwards (it’s simple : just say “ I’ll do it” and then move your legs, or your brain, whichever is in question). And then just do it. And think about it afterwards.

I may not understand (as also others) or believe or just rationalize what you say to suit my own prejudices or ignorance, because fact remains that I (and most people) are mostly ignorants. So ... whatever !

That said,
Three questions, you may feel like answering. Or not. Up to you, and nothing to it.

1 – Distance and height are very hard to specify at night. Especially of a distant, lighted object. You mention seeing the “thing” as being 300 feet away at a 15 to 20 degree angle over the horizon, having by reference a silo located at such distance. Behind which, you also mention, the “thing” moved and darted in and out of. Optical illusion of both height and distance is commonplace at night. Whoever has tried it, knows it.

My point is – could not the light be much farther away and as such much higher in the sky ?

2 – Witnessing, or experiencing, something we don’t understand but impacts our pre-existing notions, is very powerful emotionally. And gives ground, in many instances, to “ownership”, meaning, something which only happened because of self, or directed at self. History is full of such examples.

My point is – Why do you feel it is “You” that was in question ? I mean, 300 feet away from that same silo (in any other direction) could not another guy be seeing the exact same things you were seeing and it all being directed at Him, while you just happened to be the unintentional onlooker ?

3 – Why did you, firstly, found “cold” too harsh and, secondly, had to also empty your bowels instead of just running flat out and meet the “thing” that was, as you put it, luring you ?

My point is – Presented with one in a lifetime opportunity, and about something which one has dwelled upon for years, does one rationalize its context inside ambient temperature or a need to answer a call of Nature ? I mean, why ?

Don’t take me wrong with these Questions.
I’m just asking you what I have asked myself, once read what you wrote. And thinking that you may be making, or constructing, a mistake. Huge.

Or just falling prey to optical and emotional traps.
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Re: My experiences

Postby Soloma » Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:07 am

Luis, thank you for the encouragement. I will do my best to answer your questions.

My point is – could not the light be much farther away and as such much higher in the sky ?

For sure, 100% it is all about perspective. The silo itself if about 300 ft. from the house, maybe even less. I would venture to say it is about 30-40 ft tall, my estimation on the degree of the horizon is pretty darn close. The size however I would think was more of a smaller scout ship, the handling was just so out of this world, I can not help but think it was a small.

As far as being further away and higher in the sky, I would say if it was a smaller ship, it could not have been that far away. When it parked itself much closer to the farm and began radiating the golden light (did this radiation create the temp change and was I subject to it?), it appeared as if it was a very predominant star in the sky while all the others were just barely visible through the overcast. However if anyone was actually looking at it, they would have realized it was not a star and was in our atmosphere, most likely within thousands of feet, if that.

My point is – Why do you feel it is “You” that was in question ? I mean, 300 feet away from that same silo (in any other direction) could not another guy be seeing the exact same things you were seeing and it all being directed at Him, while you just happened to be the unintentional onlooker ?

Two things make it obvious it was directed at me. First, I have a history of ufo encounters dating back to childhood.

Second, when I initially saw the craft, it appeared as a plane flying by. I watched it for a few seconds when it started doing the humming bird routine. I decided to get dressed to go out and investigate, prior to which I needed to sit down in the bathroom. I was watching the craft from my bathroom so it was natural to check in on it again prior to me going outside. When I checked it out, it was in the same spot as when I first saw it as a plane only this time it appeared as if a star. As I was watching it for a few seconds, it began again with the hummingbird routine.

It is at this point I sat down and did my business with an open view of the craft. I then went outside only to be greeted by a terrible cold, one I have not felt in some time. I could not investigate, I would have froze so I came back inside. Once I warmed up, I sent a mental message to the craft that if it was warmer, I would have liked to come for a visit. A while later, I decided to see if it was still there so I went outside again. This is when it had taken up position much closer to the farm and was appearing as a very bright radiant golden star. It was at this point that I noticed the temperature had changed drastically, I bet I would not even have needed my jacket.

Since the craft responded to my statement about how cold it was by somehow increasing the temperature (because it was radiating, sort of like a little sun?) and it did the humming bird routine from either looking like an airplane or a star not once or twice but three times during the experience, I feel like it is safe to say they were interacting with me and not some other experiencer that just happens to live close by.

My point is – Presented with one in a lifetime opportunity, and about something which one has dwelled upon for years, does one rationalize its context inside ambient temperature or a need to answer a call of Nature ? I mean, why ?

Well, I can not say this is really once in a lifetime. It is also about having as much control over a situation that in the past, I felt very helpless in. The cold was un naturally cold, however I have not looked up Balto. MD and So. PA temperatures for 2am wed morning. Perhaps it was ridiculously low temps outside, all I know was it took me a good ten min just to stop shivering.

The craft at this point was still off in the distance, I was going to have to cover a good portion of the farm in hopes that it might meet me on the outskirts. However with how fast I got cold, I decided against all of it. Too much risk all around, I do not know what their intentions are with me. In the past, I have been dropped back into bed from 3 or 4 feet after an abduction. I crashed into the bed which made me jump right back out where I then looked immediately out the side window to see a craft with multi colored lights.

Considering the latter point, the two craft are similar based on the multi colored lights, especially red and blue. No need to be discreet and invisible, just dazzle the prey with bright and shiny colors. To this day, it makes sense to me that they use these bright lights because you can not see past the light.

The only reason I know I have been dealing with saucer type craft is because I saw two in my rear view mirror during my first encounter of 2009. There were also dreams of them and one in my regression session that also produced a entity/being at the foot of my bed. This makes me consider this craft potentially a saucer thereby causing me concern.

All this being said, I took those actions again because I need to find control points even if just to save myself the embarrassment of shitting myself while trying to deal with the increased energy fields or becoming a popsicle because they dumped my somewhere, sometime. The bigger picture here warrants caution and I can not take enough of it.

This is why I am asking myself am I doing the right thing by considering physical conscious contact. Have I already made terrible mistakes in the past and this potentially more of the same? What is the agenda? How does one know what is real anymore?

I hope my intuition and discernment are up to whatever challenge presented because they will be all I have in my bag of tricks.
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Re: My experiences

Postby LuisP » Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:55 am

Thanks for your candor in explaining what is surely hard for you to explain. Truly hope you may find a way to deal with this situation in which your body and mind stay safe. That’s the main thing.

Some time ago some friends of mine (ahem) gave me a copy of a documentary called “Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs: The Weird Truth Behind UFOs”.

If it really is “the truth” or not, I don’t know. This is a theme prone to every kind of imaginable and unimaginable explanations.
Its main character, so to speak, is a US Air Force Office of Special Investigations agent guy called Richard Doty, who has a lot to say about this subject. Given his openly stated credentials, I decided to hear him.

If seeing this documentary is of interest to you, I’ve uploaded it to my Dropbox account and you can download it here : ... y.mp4?dl=0

Hope it works. If not, let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix the link.
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