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The Force.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:54 pm
by kevin
May it be with You.
These plonkers just can't seem to get things the right way about.
They state that "all living things create the force"
No...the force creates all living things, and all living things become mass, still empowered by the force.
And that which creates all living things can equally make all things forget to be.

The force is of universe, it permeates all.
I reckon TT Brown called it sidereal radiation?
Many things are said in jest, that are actually true.


Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:05 pm
by Soloma
Hard to take that link seriously, professor Ben Kenobi from Tatooine???

However I agree and always suspected as much after having watched Star Wars, it was like they knew too what I knew. However I never really knew how to go about tapping in, I was too programmed, too fearful. I feel like now that I am battling whatever it is that is bothering me, not sure I really want to collapse the wave form and find out exactly what, I am a lot less fearful.

Should be an interesting journey.

Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:00 pm
by kevin
It was an April fool post, but....
It does reveal the thinking of these crackpots.
They are so well indoctrinated in BELIEVING that mass came first, that they are seeking the smallest such called the higgs.
They simply need to THINK, and then contemplate that in the beginning was simply a sound ( resonanance)

Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:05 pm
by Soloma

I was not even thinking about what day it was. I have to think those in power understand reality very well to manipulate us as the way they do, it is really as if up is down with people willing to kill to defend these false paradigms. I guess when we over come it all, we will be stronger for it, for that, much like my experiences, I am becoming grateful for.


Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:32 am
by Soloma
So the force is consciousness, a subtle energy that allows us to manipulate physical reality? Is anyone familiar with the "glp effect"? I can not help but wonder what would be possible if a large group of people came together to direct the "glp effect" while in the theta range of consciousness. I have found the most important aspect of my disciplines is the theta range and I can say this is because I still saw positive results when my visualizations and vocalizations were flat out wrong. It is all about the state of consciousness when the intent is initiated.

Fiction, non-fiction. Real, not real. Subtle but it shines a light on the programming, truth steeped in lies. I find it interesting that Disney is assuring us that the force is fiction, right when we need to connect the most. This I have always seen as the subtle aspect of the solution for any sort of problem we may face. Now that I have first hand experience with it, I have no doubt this is what will see me through.

I wish to teach others these methods, even tried on glp based upon the glp effect but no one seems to want to take responsibility for the situation they are in. The tv show heroes comes to mind with all of this except I would say "save yourself save mother earth". I even suggested a test on sick pets, essentially doing distance healing using visualizations while working towards the theta range. The experiment would actually be designed to heal the meditator, the pet in question and of course the earth gets all those good vibrations we are putting out. These are all observable things which we could be recorded and shared with others.

Thanks again Kevin for aiding in my understanding of this wacky reality we are currently residing in.

Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:01 am
by kevin
So good to see You post again.
How are thee?

I have been with friends for a few days, one of which has parkinsons, I helped Him to have a few shake free days.
It's a two way deal, most people are so resistant to allowing a transfer from one to another.
He was simply then able to remember how to switch correctly due to having a higher field content.


Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:42 am
by Soloma
Kevin, I am doing well, thank you for asking. I left work earlier this year, I dropped out for a bit, lost focus and had my health issues return as I neglected my disciplines. I of course began again the meditations even doing them twice a day whenever I can which reversed my issues back towards a positive outcome. I have of course increased the amount of chakras that I am now treating w/ the bija mantra, I have noticed my prostate and nerve damage issues as well as the lump and pains in my neck have all shown marked improvement.

When you speak of switching, would that be the same as Johnathan Goldman`s "Shifting Frequencies"? I feel like you are saying that trees flip their polarity and while it may take sometime for trees to shed their leaves, it seems this switch would occur more rapidly. I would like to learn how to do this switching myself more effectively, I feel like changing your state of consciousness is akin to this switching you speak of so I am basically already switching. Would this be an accurate assessment?

Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:35 pm
by kevin
The local manipulation of two opposite spin flows.
The trees must alter the resonant cavities within them to create a local spin reversal.

This is IMHO the basis of gravity reversal....full stop.

The local variation in the flow directions, akin to putting veins in water flow pipes ( pure Viktor Schauberger)

Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:46 am
by Soloma

I can not help but think I actually see these flows too. It is most obvious when my eyes are closed, I see them when I meditate too. I have also realized, I see them when my eyes are open, much easier to see when it is dark of course. They act as if super fluid, I have described this before here because these flows create visions, fluidly moving from one to the other. Not like a movie where is switches scenes, these visions morph from one to the other and can do so rather quickly and in bizarre ways.

I have taken to laughing at and commanding any negative entity engaging me in this, they do not have permission to and they should be gone. I visualize myself as a silver being of light w/ a golden shield, which I am still wondering if that is considered the 8th chakra. Early this morning I was getting some stressful pressure changes in my chest area, a peculiar burst of energy welled up as if spiraling. Could it be that everything else would be the 9th chakra? Space/astral.

I am finding it very hard to differentiate nerve damage issues from my body wanting to let go so I can visit the astral. It has always been so damn hard for me to let go of fear, I just can not remember what or how I am supposed to go about it what it is I am supposed to be doing.

Ah well, time to get a meditation in before work. Thanks for being here Kevin.


Re: The Force.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:40 pm
by Mikado14
Glad to see you posting Soloma. Was afraid that perhaps your condition worsened for the worse.

Life is discipline. How is your feline friend?
