Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

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Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:59 pm

Edward Leedskalnin (January 12, 1887, Stāmeriena parish, Livonia; December 7, 1951, Miami) was an eccentric Latvian emigrant to the United States and amateur sculptor who single-handedly built the monument known as Coral Castle in Florida (http://coralcastle.com/).

Scientists and engineers who have marvelled at its intricacies offer no logical explanation as to exactly how its builder lifted and placed the huge coral blocks.

Altogether, Leedskalnin used over thirteen million pounds of coral block in the construction of Coral Castle’s walls , tower and artistic creations. He was a tiny, frail man. He barely stood 5’ 6" tall, and never weighed over 110 pounds; yet he, single-handedly, built Coral Castle. He had very little formal education, perhaps a fifth grade level at best. For over 25 years he built, improved and added to Coral Castle, until his death from malnutrition, at the age of 64 in December 1951.

He took his secrets with him to his grave, despite the fact that he left behind him 5 pamphlets, namely, the coded and enigmatic “Magnetic Current”.

He permitted no one, absolutely nobody to ever watch him at work, alone at night. The closest hint he ever gave explaining his clandestine methods was that he would remark to close friends that he knew “the secrets used in the building of the Egyptian pyramids”.
Meaning, he knew of the unlimited power available through the process of harnessing certain vibrations of sound. He was aware of the free energy available through musical resonances. In addition, he also knew that light rays, or waves, contained tremendous amounts of power that could be put to work.

When people asked Leedskalnin how he had moved all of the stone by himself, he refused to give over his method and would only reply to whoever was asking with the same statement: "I understand the laws of weight and leverage and I know the secrets of the people who built the pyramids (being those at the site at Giza in Egypt)." After years of being questioned why he would not reveal the secrets of the pyramid builders, terminally replied "If the world had unlimited power it would destroy itself".

Contradicting the standard model of electromagnetism, his thesis is based upon the theory that the metal itself is not the magnet and that the real magnets are circulating in the metal. These individual north and south pole magnets are particles smaller than atoms or photons and each particle in the substance was an individual magnet by itself.

Leedskalnin claimed that all matter was being acted upon by what he called "individual magnets". He also claimed that scientists of his time were looking in the wrong place for their understanding of electricity and that they were only observing "one half of the whole concept" with "one sided tools of measurement".

He built an “apparatus” which created an electro-magnetic current, or flux, resulting in a perpetually flowing circuit of electrical energy. No outside energy source was required to maintain the current. To activate it, certain “pipes” had to be struck with a small hand held hammer, that produced musical tones which created a special vibrational resonance.

When a special musical chord is reached, it does not diminish in sound intensity, but is held in constant audible amplification by the action of the said electro-magnetic flux. This musical chord will effect a natural weight or buoyancy, in the object, which causes it to lose its weight and float slowly off the ground. At this point, in order to then raise the object from its neutral position and lift it up in elevation, a different series of musical notes are struck on the pipes. This new chord then cancels out the neutral chord, and its lifting effect takes over, at which time the object rises to the pointing of the levitation instrument. Next, In order to then move the object from point A to point B, an additional musical chord is struck. This is known as the moving chord. There is several other special musical chords that are played to move the object at different angles, and there is one for moving the object closer or further away also.

To explain the concept of how the music moves the object is very difficult. The music, in effect, creates a state of electro-magnetic equilibrium in the object.
The music is emitted as vibrational energy waves and they actually nullify the objects gravity, thus causing it to lose it’s weight. The applicable power and range of such a device is limited to certain mathematical specifications. These have to do with the size of the pipes, frame, magnets, and other components.

If Edward Leedskalnin could have tape recorded himself at work moving the huge coral blocks about at Coral Castle, it would have sounded as if he were instead, playing a strangely intriguing melody on an instrument sounding similar to a xylophone.

His work stands today, in Miami, to the amazement of whoever sees it.
And it is inexplicable.

Except, maybe, to U-Boat Kapitans.

Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Leedskalnin
“Magnetic Current” (plus other 4 pamphlets) here : http://www.leedskalnin.com/Leedskalnins ... RRENT.html
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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:39 pm

Electrons do not exist
The electron is a production and not a constituent part. This is akin to saying that the electron is a reflection, whereas the perpetually rotating atomic force that we have labeled the electron is the real force. This is of profound importance to humanity.

Electrons come from the atomic and magnetic perpetual orbits. Electrons are produced by the destruction of atomic orbits.

This should be taken “seriously”, since it is the claim of the builder of the Coral Castle complex as written in his book Magnetic Current.

What needs to be understood is that the magnetic component is not necessarily identical to the dielectric field, and specifically the magnetic field is not a static line of force, but a high speed re-circulating substance that is capable of generating a current. The current stays there forever, in the electromagnet.

This proves that the current is orbiting around the transformer perpetually, and so we have one half of the requirement of perpetual power, an atomic orbit that can indefinitely provide energy to work against gravity.

So the electricity that comes out of an atom is worth less than the infinite and perpetual magnetic orbit of electricity that exists within it. This hereby is known as the "atomic force" or "cosmic force".

It is not electricity. Electricity is what happens when the perpetual orbits are broken by atomic force, in case of battery this is the acid pealing the annode or cathodes atoms, and thereby releasing the orbits that held them together. In the case of more advanced coil devices, such as the Tesla coil or condensor, an electric field is used to vary the atomic properties of a soft iron core, thereby causing similar internal atomic changes and storages by a more indirect yet sophisticated means.

It is to be understood that the chemical battery is merely producing an electrical orbit from an atomic orbit, and that whilst the atomic orbit would have run in the atom bound perpetually, the electrical orbits do not, there is heat, there is resistance, and where there is resistance there is no orbit.

So Leedskalnin makes it clear that guiding magnets and their orbits in the right path, and that a magnet is really a perpetually orbiting substance inside the metal magnet that is moving at very high speed, as a perpetual motion. And, how he points out specifically that the perpetual motion of the magnetic substance he speaks of, can be converted into perpetual power in a generator.

Electrons do not exist. They come AFTER the acid and metal atoms interact in the battery. This is proof that the electrical force is secondary to the primary force that is responsible for it.

This, of course, negates all known existing science on Maxwell Field Theory, since it is a substance with a SOUND pressure and not a FIELD with an amplitude.

Leedskalnin makes this clear, and refers it as the "SOUND BASE".

Credits :
- 7redorbs, a poster elsewhere, whom I thank.
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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:25 pm

Some quotes from this extraordinary, forgotten, “uneducated” and simple Man :

On Life
- What is life? Every period of material life goes through two periods, construction and destruction period, but the life itself is indestructible, life has no beginning and no end.
The base of life is the North and South pole magnets. The magnets are indestructible.

On Matter
- Every form of existence, whether it is rock, tree or animal, has a beginning and an end, but the three things that all matter is constructed from has no beginning and no end. They are the North and South poles individual magnets, and the neutral particles of matter. These three different things are the construction blocks of everything.

On Nature
- We have North and South pole magnets, positive and negative electricity, protons, and electrons, positrons and mesons and alpha, beta and gamma rays. Now why such a confusion?
Does nature really need so many things in the perpetual transformation of things, on building up the matter and again taking it into parts? I think all that nature needs is three things, the North and South pole magnets and the neutral particles. Each kind of those three things can act differently with different speed and different combinations, and so they can accomplish different results. I believe the prospective physicists first should learn what magnets and electricity are, and then they will have a sound base for their experiments and their calculations.

On Cosmic Force
- The North and South pole individual magnets are the cosmic force. They are the building blocks of nature's perpetual transformation of matter, and they are so small that they can pass through everything.

On Radiation
- I think the Radium and Uranium were built up inside the earth with high pressure, and heat, while the North and South pole individual magnets were circulating through the earth. During the time the Radium and Uranium were inside the earth they absorbed more of the individual North and South pole magnets than they normally could hold … and so now while they are on top of the earth they let the magnets go so they can become normal again.
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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:46 pm

Hope you have the patience to read what follows. It is very interesting, in more than just one sense.

On the “New Science Review, vol. II - October”, a certain Charles Morris wrote this :

"The writer of the present paper has been requested to visit the workshop and investigate the apparatus of the famous inventor, and to state plainly and simply the results of his investigation.
As regards my personal knowledge of the question under consideration, I can only state that hitherto I have belonged to the party of distrust.

Knowing nothing from personal experience of the matter, and merely aware of the long drawn-out agony of promise and nonperformance, I have, like the rest of the brotherhood of ignorance, looked on the affair with incredulity, though not without a mental reservation that there might be some fire below all this smoke.

(this man) … has been interested in the study of tones and resonances; of those rapid and incessant vibrations which underlie all we see in the world around us, and to which all the energies of the acting universe are primarily due. It is this study which he still continues, and the power which he has developed is claimed to come from a control of these vibrations.

How these deep lying energies can be directly withdrawn from their secret lurking places, and made to move masses of matter, is a problem to which the attention of many is now being given, and to the elucidation of which (he) has for many years devoted himself.

In short, (he) claims to have successfully handled the problem above named.

What he claims, in regard to the source of his new system of power, is that he is able to draw vibratory energy directly from space by the aid of special resonating expedients. He is able, he declares, to disturb the equilibrium of these opposed states of vibratory activity as they exist in the elements of nature.”

Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces, Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.gif
Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces, Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.gif (5.7 KiB) Viewed 2924 times

Did I mention that this was written in 1895 ?
And that it was not about Edward Leedskalnin …. but John Keely ?
And that, without stretching very hard one’s imagination, it could have been written about a certain U-Boat Kapitan ?

No ? well, that may be because I haven’t. Mentioned it, I mean.

Now that I have, up to you to tell me to STFU about similarities.
Or not. And think.

Everywhere I look this stuff up, and its different manifestations, I feel like we’re going around in circles, always speaking about the same thing … but in different “languages”.

Don’t you ?
Because, to me, Leeedskalnin and his “Magnetic Current”, Keely and his “Sympathetic Vibrations”, Lakhovsky and his “Multiwave Oscillator”, Longoria and his “Death Ray”, Mallouk and his “Nanomotor”, Ebner & Schürch and their “Electrostatic Field”, Wheeler and Feynman and their “Wave Structure of Matter”, Penrose and his “Quantum Vibrations in 'microtubules'”, Gariaev and his “Wave Genetics”, Crick and his “Central Dogma” of molecular biology, Lin Wang and his “Batteries”, Foresti & Poulikakos and their “Accoustic Waves”, Stony Brook University’s “Mechanical Motion Rectifier”, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s “Mesoporous Piezoelectric Nanogenerator”, Markelz and his “Vibratory Symphony of Life”, Hutchison and his “Effect” and “Ray Gun”, the Chinese and their “Space Seeds Program”, the Russians and their “Deta Elis Bioresonance Devices”, just to name the few I have scratched …

are all “talking” about the same thing.

In different languages, manifestations and results.

But hey … whatever, sure : What do I know ?

Only hoping one of these guys could have, or may be, able to crack the damn jigsaw once and for all. Just an inch of it.

The rest of “It”, would then be easy.

Not to mention, in the meantime, helping us plain Joes avoid a lot of trouble and grief.

For those interested in reading the full article – and you should, for maybe you haven’t, just right now, anything better to do, and what’s else, your TV only fries your brain and dumbs your mind – I provide the link below.

The article is very interesting, I would presume, to those who worry about free energy and its use to power stuff. Not exactly my “wave” so I’ll leave here a teaser, just for you to wonder about it … because a certain Brown and, from what I have been able to grasp, certain experiences of his come to mind with what follows (just read and see for yourselves) :

“Mr. Keely explains the phenomenon as follows :
- He claims that the motion is due to attraction and propulsion (or repulsion) exerted by the disks on the spokes of the rotating ring.
- He says that these disks are "sensitized," or rendered alternately attractive and repulsive by energy drawn from the ether of surrounding space by means under his control, and conveyed from the globe along the wire to the disks.
- Of the seventeen disks, nine, he says, are polar in their action, eight depolar. The action of the polar disks on the spokes is attractive; that of the depolar disks, propulsive (or repulsive). There being but sixteen spokes, only one can be at any time directly under a disk, and the result of the differential action of the attractive and propulsive disks, due to their difference in number, is a steady and continuous rotation.
- This rotation, according to Mr. Keely, can be sustained indefinitely without cost or need of further attention after the conditions are once produced; is powerful enough to do work needing great energy; and is so simple in its management that no special intelligence is required to handle it. It can be used for any kind of work, as for a street car motor; is devoid of danger; and cannot get out of order.”

Full article here : http://pondscienceinstitute.on-rev.com/ ... thout+Cost
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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:18 pm

LuisP wrote:
The article is very interesting, I would presume, to those who worry about free energy and its use to power stuff. Not exactly my “wave” so I’ll leave here a teaser, just for you to wonder about it … because a certain Brown and, from what I have been able to grasp, certain experiences of his come to mind with what follows (just read and see for yourselves) :

“Mr. Keely explains the phenomenon as follows :
- He claims that the motion is due to attraction and propulsion (or repulsion) exerted by the disks on the spokes of the rotating ring.
- He says that these disks are "sensitized," or rendered alternately attractive and repulsive by energy drawn from the ether of surrounding space by means under his control, and conveyed from the globe along the wire to the disks.
- Of the seventeen disks, nine, he says, are polar in their action, eight depolar. The action of the polar disks on the spokes is attractive; that of the depolar disks, propulsive (or repulsive). There being but sixteen spokes, only one can be at any time directly under a disk, and the result of the differential action of the attractive and propulsive disks, due to their difference in number, is a steady and continuous rotation.
- This rotation, according to Mr. Keely, can be sustained indefinitely without cost or need of further attention after the conditions are once produced; is powerful enough to do work needing great energy; and is so simple in its management that no special intelligence is required to handle it. It can be used for any kind of work, as for a street car motor; is devoid of danger; and cannot get out of order.”

Full article here : http://pondscienceinstitute.on-rev.com/ ... thout+Cost

- He claims that the motion is due to attraction and propulsion (or repulsion) exerted by the disks on the spokes of the rotating ring.

Sounds like quantum mechanics where an observed attraction on a particle then the opposite is happening to a particle not observed.

- He says that these disks are "sensitized," or rendered alternately attractive and repulsive by energy drawn from the ether of surrounding space by means under his control, and conveyed from the globe along the wire to the disks.

This statement here I have an issue with merely for the fact that it states a "special" process is performed on the discs without that process being identified.

- Of the seventeen disks, nine, he says, are polar in their action, eight depolar. The action of the polar disks on the spokes is attractive; that of the depolar disks, propulsive (or repulsive). There being but sixteen spokes, only one can be at any time directly under a disk, and the result of the differential action of the attractive and propulsive disks, due to their difference in number, is a steady and continuous rotation.

Appears there is a link to the Biefeld-Brown effect. Does anyone see it in regard to the aether?

- This rotation, according to Mr. Keely, can be sustained indefinitely without cost or need of further attention after the conditions are once produced; is powerful enough to do work needing great energy; and is so simple in its management that no special intelligence is required to handle it. It can be used for any kind of work, as for a street car motor; is devoid of danger; and cannot get out of order.”

"..after the conditions are once produced..." Are the conditions stated refer to the above in that it requires a "special" process and this "special" process is used on the seventeen discs which creates the rotation? If so, it all boils down to the "special" process.

Has anyone ever reproduced this "process"?

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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:29 pm

Had I the “Education” in Physics I have elsewhere and I would by know have read all of the available “scientific recorded historical” information on JK, and also bought the book from Dale Pond. Which he claims to be “the definitive” work on Keely’s discoveries.

Maybe then I could identify or at least understand the “special process” inherent to his claims.

Which, yes, certainly does appear to be fulcral to those claims. As it is, it’s all “wasted” on me. Can’t handle it by reason of not knowing enough to even start looking for answers.
But maybe you have it ? That “enough knowledge” ? Now don’t take this wrongly, but there comes a point – in any thing – when one has to grab the cutlery in his/hers own hands and make some choices towards what to do with one’s food.

So as to, for instance, not try and drink a cup of tea with a fork or chop a rib steak with a spoon, which would exactly be what I would be doing if dumb enough to take upon myself such a task.

Again, as it is, up to others – if so inclined – to take it from here. The road to follow seems very clear, though.

Because ….

… “Has anyone ever reproduced” Leedskalnin’s “process” ? No ? So, it isn’t true ? It can’t happen or be possible ?

Eppur si muove ! You can see it in “moving” in Homestead, Florida.

A barely 5’ 6" tall man, weighing under 110 pounds, just by himself and with rudimentary tool parts, moved over thirteen million pounds of rock in just some 3 to 6 years.

Edward Leedskalnin.jpg
Edward Leedskalnin.jpg (10.63 KiB) Viewed 2891 times

Saying, by means of explaining it, that “scientists were looking the wrong way” and that he “had discovered the secrets of the pyramid builders”.

My posting Keely’s appraisal by a journalist and my general understanding of “talking” by so many being done “in different languages” ... happening on Leedskalnin’s thread, was no accident. Rather intentional, in fact.

Because this man’s work – which is plain to see and therefore undeniable, for it was done upon rocks, something that you can touch and feel - makes toast of the “reproductive argument” … as “the” grounds for a dismissal.

Of “ANY scientific theory”.

You don’t need to be a Physicist to know this.

And that’s why I call them U-Boat Kapitans, not scientists.

But are they lying, or a fraud, or simply delusional just because they aren’t, or haven’t yet been, “reproducible” ?

Check Leedskalnin... and think again.

Some of Ed's 'high-tech' apparatus.jpg
Some of Ed's 'high-tech' apparatus.jpg (26.99 KiB) Viewed 2891 times
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Re: Edward Leedskalnin’s Musical Resonances

Postby LuisP » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:39 pm

Who said this was an easy "stew" ?
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