Legal Notice

No sides to this table. A place where anything goes. Just be polite and leave the hard core vulgarities alone, anyway, the forum won't let you post them.
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Act like an adult, no prepubescent children, even if it means an argument but do so with a calm demeanor.

Legal Notice

Postby Hut Master » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:08 am

On the advice of legal counsel to the proprietors, I have been retained to administer the domain to curb the libelous and slanderous comments being hurled back and forth between registered users.

The intent of this site was to promote and discuss the book(s) authored by Linda Brown, the work of her father, and other topics that are related to Dr. Brown's science and military careers. It is not intended to provide a forum for accusations, allegations, libel or slander.

This site is protected by law for its copyrighted content and no parts may be copied or used in whole or in part by anyone without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder(s).
The Hut Master
"One of the penalties of not participating in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors."
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Hut Master
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:47 am
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