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In Memoriam

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:07 pm
by Hut Master

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:42 pm
by FM No Static At All
It would be great if we can get his posts from the old ttbrown added into this thread. Precious posts whose significance remains with us.

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:04 am
by Rose
That's a great housecat!. I've never seen that photo before. Did you know Flow in the flesh?

I've always regretted that I missed his time with us.

Thank you for setting up this place. It's like having Flow's Dancing Parlor. (Quonset huts don't got no ballrooms!)


Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:20 am
by FM No Static At All
Housecat? I could not imagine feeding that kitty! But being a Leo, I am partial to large cats, although I have only had the domestic ones as house guests.
No, I did not have the pleasure to meet or greet Mr. Flowperson, having arrived at the old forum after his departure. Listening to others speak of him, I am sure that I missed meeting a remarkable human. And this place is dedicated to his memory, a place where those that knew him can come and share with us all, stories, photos, and anecdotes of the man they called Flowperson.

The Chair

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:42 am
by Kim
To the Forum:

Mikado asked that I post this here, it is from the old forum, just a bit about who Flow was.

From the first forum wrote:
The Chair
by Mikado14 on Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:07 pm

Stange title for a thread. I chose this name because of Mr. Twigsnapper. For those new and those like myself who forget, let me refresh. A discussion came up as to the selecting of 12 individuals to sit around a table based upon Richard Branson's comments in regard to the council of twelve. Somehow, and I don't even remember, Mr. Twigsnapper threw it on the forum, "Well Mikado, who would you choose to sit at the table?". Not one to back down from a challenge, I took him up on it. I chose individuals who stood for peace, those that stood for philosophy, human rights, technology, ethics, personality, experience, compassion and out of all those they had to express a love of mankind. When I was finished, I really wasn't finished for I came up short. It was a very difficult assignment, at least in my eyes. It seemed like it should be easy but the farther along I went, the harder it became. The prerequisite had to be the part about the love of mankind. Personally, I left my self out for there are a few individuals I would like to help along on their journey through life but I was told that that wasn't aloud, I had to sit at the table. The job became much harder, for if I were to overlook the fact that I wanted to help a half dozen individuals along why should I be sitting at the table? Thank You Mr. Twigsnapper, you made my life a little miserable, let me rephrase that, you made it pretty miserable for a few weeks.

One of the individuals I chose is a friend named Robert. Robert was a man who worked hard all his life. He was raised in Pennsylvania not too far from where the groundhog sees his shadow. A farm started by his Italian immigrant Grandfather he was raised on. Through Emails we discussed the legal system and their disregard of the family, the family farm and how the court house would walk over the bodies of the citizen for the sake of agendas of the political if not selfish nature. He worked hard all his life at various jobs and settled on working in academia. Most of what he did cannot be discussed for some of it involved the negotiating between industry and College Professors who developed some new idea, principle etc. I believe it was in the '90s that Robert left this line of work, pretty much black balled for he had no degrees at what he was doing and let's face it, a piece of a dead sheep is worth more than actions in this world. His latest endeavor was to write a book, he wouldn't say what it was about but hoped to get it done before or by the summer. He loved philosophy, discussing the concept of religion and how the universe operated and believed that science and religion were one in the same. He had gifts that he was not afraid to tell, but you had to ask first. He loved woman for he was married twice and had two children that I know of. And there were always discussions of good Italian food.

Receiving repeated messages, I felt the extreme urge to call Robert last night. His son Andrew answered the phone. My friend passed away two days ago. He never told anyone how bad it was for he had an 18 cm tumor in his abdomen, it was malignant.

Thank You Mr. Twigsnapper for it was through your prodding I came to know Robert to the level that I did. I was to meet him recently and he never showed up and his phone did not answer. I sensed something was wrong and thought his Mother might be ill, but again I was wrong.

I tell you this story as a form of catharsis for my self but to share this with the forum. His philosophy was that Dancing was better than Marching and I would have been proud to have him by my side.

The forum knew him as Flowperson. Rest well, and we will meet someday.



Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:23 pm
by FM No Static At All
Do we have a quorum yet?
CommitteeMeeting.jpg (46.18 KiB) Viewed 1960 times

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:20 pm
by Kim
Sorry FM, but no, it has to be 12 , not 9, not 10 but 12. Looks like you'll have to flag another ship in.


Image Image

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:19 pm
by htmagic
Kim wrote:Sorry FM, but no, it has to be 12 , not 9, not 10 but 12. Looks like you'll have to flag another ship in.


Image Image


Oh, THAT's why they call it the MAJESTIC 12!!! <groan> :lol:

P.S., I LOVE the saucers!

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:31 pm
by FM No Static At All
Twelve? That would be the entire Board of Directors!
A quorum is the minimum number that can vote on a topic when the whole board (of 12!) cannot attend.
I love the UFOs, would you like to make one your avatar?

I used to go hunting near Punxsutawney, Marion Center, Rochester Mills area. We left Philly usually the day after Thanksgiving and drove to Johnstown. Spent the night there and went to handle license and supplies on Saturday, and then Sunday we drove up to the gun club to sight them in. Sometimes we stayed in Homer City overnight, but usually we drove early Monday morning up to our hunting site. Knowing what it's like there I can imagine why Mr. Flowerperson lived there. Beautiful country there!

Re: In Memoriam

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:06 am
by PeeTee
In memory of the Second Cavalry Stryker division, and a special "smoking bolts" operation named "Cowboy".

Thank-you fellas. I'm sure Linda, Mr. twigsnapper, and "others" really appreciate your past contributions as much as I now do.

Thank you for posting the photo of FLOWPERSON.... I miss him so.... Travel well my departed friend!!!

you other "young weirdos" may go ahead and continue to kidnap the unsuspecting people on behalf of exo-politics