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Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:49 am
by Linda Brown

I used that advanced search thingy that you were asking about on Pauls Forum ( its almost identically formatted to this one) and came up with a whole lot of comments about Barrett.... Haven't tried this one yet. I posted the comments on the ttbrown forum on another thread... sorry... forgot which one ....but its an interesting view into Pauls mind at the time.

Should be interesting. Linda

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:16 pm
by Rose
We won't get you started on Teleportation, Split, but you might ask Linda how she traveled from Ireland to the Bahamas and back to a waiting red rental car in the span of a very short time.

"I could get used to this," she said; and JD replied, "There's a price to pay."


Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:34 pm
by Linda Brown
Hello Rose,

I hope that you are feeling better.

To continue what you were saying. I keep uncovering that price too.

You know George. You know me pretty well. I have stood by him for the entire 38 year marriage. NOW is not a good time for him to start showing cracks in his commitment in my direction. Definitely not a good time. Linda

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:42 pm
by Rose
Just as snakes shed their skin in order to grow, so do some trees need to drop their bark at the changing of the seasons.*

Commitment is the magic glue, Without it, the calk dries up, the crazed windows fall out and we suddenly see new vistas.


"I know, I know, I sound like Scooter Libbey writing to Judith Miller! :lol:

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:24 pm
by Linda Brown
You will laugh Rose... the old Monkees song that keeps running through my brain... part of it ....

"Take the last train to Clarksville
I'll be waiting at the station... We'll have time for coffee flavored kisses... and a bit of .... conversation...................

Take the last train to Clarksville and I'll meet you at the station,
You can be there by 430 'cause I 've made your reservation ... don't be slow .... oh no no no.... Oh no no no...

And I don't know if I'm ever coming home."


Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:16 pm
by Linda Brown
I started this thread when I didn't really know what was going on with Green Eyes....At the time of the previous messages I didn't even know if it was the person who was so special to me in my past .... or some imposter that would disappear when I appeared on the scene.

Well. He is no imposter. He is the real deal.

So I am going to keep this thread alive and going.... Hoping again that someday he may read what has been written here.

Green Eyes. Thank you. For right now..... thats all I could ever say. Linda

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:50 pm
by Linda Brown
Split Infinity,

You asked who Green Eyes was and then you made this statement

"Remote viewing, psychic connections...maybe, but DON'T get me going on TELEPORTATION!

WHY NOT? I would love to hear what you have to say about it! Fire away!!!! Linda

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:10 pm
by split infinity2
Linda, You know I always forget about this part of the forum an it was shere chance I saw you question so here we go. Teleportation is not only possible but has already been achieved in the lab. Granted they were using only single particles and are not, that we know of, or at least more info than simple rumors I have heard, able to teleport large objects of matter. Now as far as teleporting a human you would actually die in the process but be reassembled either alive or dead. I don't know. That would be in direct matter conversion to energy transmitted and reassembled as matter again. The other form of teleportation is matter duplication so matter would be scanned the information transmitted and then raw matterial at the reception site would be converted to energy reassembled via the scanned information transmitted and converted back to matter.
The problem with this is their would be two "YOU'S". One at the site of scanning and one on the recieving end. In both forms of teleportation it is unknown how to keep intact the memories or soul if you will of a living being. With inanimate objects it would not be a problem but with people...thats a whole other ball game. In STAR TREK they take this into account by the made up tech that I think they call the Hiesenberg Compensaters. It is supposed to transphere you conciousness intact.
I think that type of tech is in our way distant future but as far as teleporting dead matter...That is on the way! Split Infinity

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:29 pm
by Linda Brown
I know that the military got busy not too long ago in a teleportation project in Las Vegas ( yes, believe it or not.... I can already hear all the jokes about money disappearing.... like .... why bother playing just send them your money,

You still didn't quite answer why your response was " Don't get me started on teleportation" almost as if you had some sort of grudge on the subject.... but it sounds like you have worked it around in your mind fairly well.

Seems to me that a unit that moves from A to B is basically deconstructed and then reconstructed. So the one that was here is gone.... and pops up somewhere else and even though it is identical and can pass for the same item it is actually different. And if you would happen to do this several times what would be the chances of changes in the cell structure happening.... sort of like copies becoming less clear than the original. As far as keeping the memory intact. I have not idea how that might be preserved, but if an entity has figured out the quantum entanglement part of it then they know how to isolate what we would call the soul/intelligence/ memory . preserve it and then reinsert it when it was safe to do that. Just as was in my dream as a nine year old... the OTHERS in the dream had no face that became visible to me, Was that to keep from scaring me?

: close your eyes, close the door.... you don't have to worry anymore... listening to Bob Dylan tonight Green Eyes. Bout the only way that I can put myself back in time for this book. Linda

Re: To Green Eyes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:47 pm
by split infinity2
Linda, I don't know as far as your dream go's. I suppose it is for you to interperate. I have thought of something else though. If these beings have the tech to move their ships by either warping space or generating a quantum singularity...why not they able to move individuals the same way. It is not teleportation but it is a way to make something or someone go from point A say the ground, to point B, inside the craft. It would get around the whole preservation of what makes because you were not dissasembled into energy than reassembled. A person would simply travel without moving instantly. I have seen these things in action and that is a viable explaination to how they operate. So perhaps you were just dimentionaly transfered but remember as you have said...It was a dream. Split Infinity