Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into a ..

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Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into a ..

Postby Mikado14 » Mon May 28, 2012 8:12 am


A long while ago, I and certain others were given a photo that was supposed to be the character named Morgan. For a long time, approximately 3 years, a group of individuals had a misrepresentation put upon them. Of course an excuse was made that it was all a ruse to see if I would leak out the photo. In simpler terms, a lie was told to myself and others and this lie was a foundation that was built upon. At any time, the truth could have been told but it wasn't.

I used this photo as an avatar which was promptly lifted and defaced by those that did so mistakenly believing that it was myself. Eventually, the perpetrator of this hoax came up with the trust story "thingy" as an attempt to mitigate the fact that they were caught in a lie. To refresh memories, here is the picture:

Morgan1.jpg (11.88 KiB) Viewed 5453 times

Recently, and it did take some time, I was looking for the source of the photo that was presented to the group. When the photo was scanned and enlarged, the telltale signs of a dot matrix appeared indicating that the photo was originally taken from a printed source perhaps.

Thanks to some other Intrepid individual (the capital "I" is deliberate), I was sent an email indicating the source of the image of Morgan. Here is the link for those other intrepid individuals who honor truth above deceit. Now remember, the perpetrator of the hoax openly admitted to doing this so come to your own conclusions but ask yourself the following. Why didn't this individual bring it forth themselves? Wouldn't that have proven their point as to my breaking some confidence? No, there was nothing broken but only the discovery of a hoax perpetrated upon Paul Schatzkin for he was given the very same image long before I was and he verified this as well at the Huntingdon meeting. Now ask yourself this, how could this have been done for my benefit alone?

Here is the source:


My regards to Brendan Kelly, you can sue Linda Brown for misuse of your image.

Prior to this, I had another image for my avatar and it is very apropos.

truth.jpg (16.94 KiB) Viewed 5453 times

Time will save Truth from Falsehood and Envy.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into

Postby Mikado14 » Mon May 28, 2012 5:23 pm

I have changed my avatar back to the photograph of Morgan that is being discussed in the previous post. My reason for doing so is that those that are viewing these posts and are not logging in or are not a member can see the photo so as to compare it with the link photo.

Fair is fair. But I do wonder, all that was associated with the giving of that photo to the group...has it been worth it? I will be posting photos of Mr Kelly alongside of the real Morgan and let the viewer compare.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Look into my eyes...

Postby Mikado14 » Wed May 30, 2012 10:27 am

When Linda gave me the original photo, she mentioned that the photo was meant for me and that it was taken just for that purpose. Strange that it should appear on a book.

Well, this photo was taken just for Linda....


...he is looking at you and is pissed for using his photo in the perpetration of a fraud.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into

Postby Mikado14 » Thu May 31, 2012 5:35 pm

From the Living Moon:

http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum/index.php?topic=1410.msg16887#msg16887 wrote:
undo11 wrote:Quote from: undo11 on January 02, 1970, 06:10:47 AM
he still has a pending invite to join the forum but as yet, he hasn't done so. i think z decided to give him a chance to join, provided he wasn't planning on stirring up a hornet's nest. i'll double check that and get back to ya.

I sent him approval but he has emails blocked so cannot receive his activation notice. I also sent a regular email and that too was declined...

So since he won't accept emails he cannot log in

So my Question is are we interested in the works of TT brown?

Or train wreck drama named Mikado?

Really? You never sent an email. I use Outlook Express and I CAN"T block an email without knowing what it is to block. I have not one clue what your email is. In fact, I attempted to join...again...under a different name using the same email and that too didn't come through.

Stop lying, you never sent an activation. I have checked my Spam folder and blocked folder in my netzero account and guess what? Well, I don't have to tell you but for others I will say that there is nothing there from the living moon.

So Mr. Zorgon, you are not telling the truth. You never sent any email for activation for if you did, I would respond to the tripe being said by not only you but others and you know it. If I could logon, I would counter the innuendo as well as the slander that is said. Since you have so much to say then why don't you come here and say it or for that matter, all the others that seem to have so much to say are welcome to come here as well. Linda is afraid for she hasn't a leg to stand on. She blames the writer Paul Schatzkin dropping the book on me and nothing could be further from the truth. Linda couldn't provide any one who could verify any of the stories she was telling. No writer would risk their name on only "hear say". Paul even commented on that at one point as to why no one, not one person could verify anything that either twigsnapper, Morgan or what Linda said. In fact, how much "due-diligence" was done on Linda's memoirs? Yes, that is what they are, just her observations from her life, no one, not one person, can verify anything she has said. Why?

Again Mr. Zorgon, you seem to have a good deal to comment on, then come here. Or are you a coward?


addendum: Well Linda, are you still going to lie about being here? You come and copy posts but yet you say you are not coming here...

31 May 03:53:55 PM The Quonset Hut • View topic - Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into a ..

...now that would be PDT and guess what? This post is at the Living Moon. The IP traces back to that same switching station, just as all the others did that I posted, in Yucca Valley. I noticed that you are still blaming me for Paul. Now here is a thought, do you think he figured out that twigsnapper and Morgan, as well as a few others, all originated from that very same switching station?

Such a liar...oooooooo...stay away from me.....ooooooooo....lmao at your ineptitude.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into

Postby josh84 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:43 am

Mikado14 wrote:
Really? You never sent an email. I use Outlook Express and I CAN"T block an email without knowing what it is to block. I have not one clue what your email is. In fact, I attempted to join...again...under a different name using the same email and that too didn't come through.

Stop lying, you never sent an activation. I have checked my Spam folder and blocked folder in my netzero account and guess what? Well, I don't have to tell you but for others I will say that there is nothing there from the living moon.

Hello Mikado, I am one of those you mentioned that showed up on your doorstep a while back. I must admit that your bark is worse than your bite and the way you told the story of people coming to visit you is not quite the way it was. I found you to be cordial but direct but you did open up and talk about somethings and I thank you as I did back then. I have been reading on the Quonset hut over the past months and didn't really care to comment but when I saw the post about getting an activation email I thought I would try. In less than 24 hours I received an email. I use a yahoo account and it did not go into to the spam folder but instead went into the inbox. If you would like, send me a PM and I will give you their email and you can email them in return.

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Re: Misrepresentations, Avatars and Writers all rolled into

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:37 am

josh84 wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:
Really? You never sent an email. I use Outlook Express and I CAN"T block an email without knowing what it is to block. I have not one clue what your email is. In fact, I attempted to join...again...under a different name using the same email and that too didn't come through.

Stop lying, you never sent an activation. I have checked my Spam folder and blocked folder in my netzero account and guess what? Well, I don't have to tell you but for others I will say that there is nothing there from the living moon.

Hello Mikado, I am one of those you mentioned that showed up on your doorstep a while back. I must admit that your bark is worse than your bite and the way you told the story of people coming to visit you is not quite the way it was. I found you to be cordial but direct but you did open up and talk about somethings and I thank you as I did back then. I have been reading on the Quonset hut over the past months and didn't really care to comment but when I saw the post about getting an activation email I thought I would try. In less than 24 hours I received an email. I use a yahoo account and it did not go into to the spam folder but instead went into the inbox. If you would like, send me a PM and I will give you their email and you can email them in return.


Well Josh, thank you for the email address. I sent it out yesterday and so far, no response.

email to Zorgon wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Mikado
To: standauffish@earthlink.net
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: Activation

To the Pegasus Group,

I received this email from a member of yours and am replying as to why I have not received my activation email. It has been reported that one was sent to me as well as a private email but that they must have been blocked since I claimed that I never received them. That is not really possible for in order to block a sender, one must have the email to put into the "block sender's" list.

You now have my email and if the person is correct in that this email address truly is the Pegasus group then you have no excuse in not sending an activation email.



PS: this email is being bcc'd to show others that the actions of the Living Moon are not truly what is being exhibited

As it mentions, I "bcc'd" this to several individuals as proof of when I sent it, including Elizabeth Helen Drake. No response from Zorgon and I don't expect one either for they are afraid that I will respond to the negative comments and innuendo being posted and they don't want that. Individuals who are afraid enjoy talking behind closed doors for it is safe. It is cowardly and helps to substantiate that they are as Paul Schatzkin mentioned - mere shells and empty at that.

Zorgon's claim that I was invited and that two, not one, emails were sent is nothing more but a lie by him that was done as per Linda Brown for in reality, why would Zorgon care about anything I would post?

By the way Linda, has twigsnapper told you anything? .. oh, I forgot, he only comes out when your asleep ... or when you have gas. <g>

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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In all fairness and honesty...

Postby Mikado14 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:44 am

... I have received an email from the Pegasus Group.

It would appear that the email was misspelled. What should have been "netzero" was spelled "netxero".

It is my understanding that this will be corrected and that no conspiracy appears to have been had.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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