Moved from the Kilroy thread
New thread, new topic and new members ?
Postby LuisP » Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:58 am
Is the in reference title possible or is this just a site for Voyeurs of past and irrelevant - to me and surely others - dramas ?
Depends on what forum you go to read. However, there is a new forum with new rules created. Registration has been reactivated. This forum was essentially locked down per Linda Brown's request to ....ahem....preserve the wonderful conversations.
While in questioning mode, I would be most grateful if answered on the following :
a) Do posts here get to be the object of "cosmic powers", like being edited, deleted, moved or archived at the whim of its owner once they get uncomfortable, or otherwise understood by its owner to be inappropriate (and I'm not talking about usage of "profound obscenities", just plain disagreement shown, for instance, (i) in a ridicule fashion, (ii) or through owner's prepotency, regarded as being off-topic ?) No
b) Does "the legacy of TTBrown" signature of this site means that it is open to his "inheritance", whatever its forms, legates, ignorants or just plain doubters, wanna-be pursuers or simple guys - like me - who have nothing to offer on that realm but think others out there may dwelling into ? Yes, there is no discrimination.
c) Do posts here get argumented by proxy, meaning, I will have my posts, or myself, questioned by unethical cowards who will not even show themselves through a nickname, but use instead a privileged relation with its owner to say whatever they please without having to face contradictory ? No and it will not be allowed by others unless a message posted and the original poster identified.
d) Does this site owner accepts people posting here for what they state is their intention Yes or will a poster have to go through endless accusations of motives, agendas, roles, paychecks, bosses, and so on and so forth, before one's posts are accepted - or not - on the merit of what they say ? No
e) Does this site owner suffers from general paranoia, obssessive suspicion, manipulative compulsion or posts-misconstruction syndrome ? No...but there is one person who would disagree with my answer.
f) Is this site owner a hypocrite or a backstabber ? We have been accused of that but there are those that will accuse the accuser. To answer you....No.
g) Lastly, can a thread be opened here and given to whoever wants to seriuosly participate in it without this site owner feeling threatened and envious ? Yes, as long as it conforms to the rules as posted
Many thanks for your time in answering the above, if you so wish.
My wanting to post here depends on it.