"This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby josh84 » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:07 pm

yeah, I noticed that to kim.

To give credit to that ass blue for a post Mikado put up. she thinks everybody is an ass like her. I think she has nothing. just read her site same stuff over and over like having the same left overs all the time jujst with different spices.

I am still waitning for Mikado to finish his stuff on Hutchinson.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:40 pm

Well there goes Linda again. Can't find anything else to write about so she comes here and copies and pastes. How very typical. Funny really, her forum is more about every other scientist, engineer, researcher, physicist, wanna be mathematicians, chicken wire engineers, megalomaniacs , egotists and hobbyist, who she attempts to tie their work with her father. The way she talks her father was involved in everything, above the table and behind the curtain, you know the secret things lol. And if it wasn't for him the world wouldn't be as it is today. Regardless of someones accomplishments, she always has to somehow make people believe that her dad was involved. She tries to prove this without facts, references, or evidence of any kind, merely on her stories and the stories of anonymous individuals who can't stand up to the uncontested truth as presented elsewhere on the forum. People are supposed to take her word for everything, even when they don't know the whole truth, just what she wants them to know, merely cause she is Linda Brown. And she only allows those who agree with everything she says to stay on her forum. If anyone disagrees with her or tries to state something contrary to what she says, they are quickly thrown off, after being ganged up on and ridiculed. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like anyone looking for the truth to me. Kim
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:29 am

5 or 6 out of 73. Same old, same old lol.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:35 pm

Re: Messages in BLUE
by Linda Brown » Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:30 pm

Blue... I find it interesting that so many on the HUT seem so excercised that you do not step up and engage with them personally. Gee.... its almost as if they can't fulfill their mission in life if you do not. Isn't that a crying shame! Linda
From the Shadow of Giant Rock

I find it interesting that so many on the token take what Linda says as truth. Funny, has anyone seen Blue step up and engage with them over there personally. No, just what Linda posts. So, why doesn't he engage with them? Come on Linda, I'm sure you, or should I say Blue, can come up with a good answer so they don't appear so gullible.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:05 am

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
by Linda Brown » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:20 am

Glad that your timing was good CAT....sounded like a real mess on 25....

Apparently Kim doesn't have anyone to talk to... other than me.... Here is her latest which I just decided I have time and energy for....not a situation that is going to continue but I find it interesting that she thinks she is important enough to even ask the questions she is asking.

vie ... 3&start=20

"I find it interesting that so many on the token take what Linda says as truth. Funny, has anyone seen Blue step up and engage with them over there personally. No, just what Linda posts. So, why doesn't he engage with them? Come on Linda, I'm sure you, or should I say Blue, can come up with a good answer so they don't appear so gullible.

So here is my response to you Kim since you seem to need conversation.

I don't much care WHAT you think. You have no credibility with me in the least.

Blue interacts with me....thats all I truly care about.

Why are you so concerned that he isn't communicating with you folks?... People who call him a coward? I commend him for not responding to that disgusting childlike behavior.

You guys can't decide whether he exists or not but he can sure put your panties in a twist over not responding to you, can't he? I think its funny actually.

Kim... Answer this......why should anyone believe a word that YOU have to say? Like you have said repeatedly.... we don't even know who you are!


Talk about credibility, you are a joke Linda. I'm sure Blue interacts with you just fine, and i am sure it is fine with you, it's just a shame he doesn't have the common courtesy to talk to your crew himself. Well, that just shows me how much he thinks of them, about as much as you do.
Actually as to his existing, it is your story of him being the Morgan from Paul's book that is unbelievable, especially when he told sooooo many different people it wasn't true and he wished you would stop telling people that. Now I know, you will say it was all a ruse he just told Mikado, but sorry, he told many others the same story. So, he is just plain old Dave, an old boyfriend from school, someone you have an affair with, and try to justify it by saying he is your long lost Morgan. Sorry, had to laugh there.
Believe me or not, one day they will see the truth. Kim
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby LuisP » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:52 pm

Oh, I believe the truth has been seen, and not just by me, Tim, Morecool, Soloman or Josh.

It just takes some more time, to some.

To others, well, maybe it just doesn't matter. Which, by itself, may mean they also know it too, and just don't, yes, care. Afterall, she is entertaining in a twisted sort of way ! if you like twists, of course.

Regarding the Blue fool - mainly, that's what he is, and I've written it before, to his "face", so am not here writing by proxy - nothing worse than puppy love. It simply transcends reason. And gives ground, as abundantly seen, to even more foolhardy. Especially in old age.

In old age, "compensation mechanisms" play into action. What I mean can be illustrated by the (also old) adage "Good advice generally comes from those who are no longer able to give bad examples".

If you get what I intend to demonstrate.

Oh well, tempus fugit ....
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby StarCat » Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:32 pm

Luis, would you be so kind as to define old age? I would like to find out if I qualify for the senior citizen discount.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby LuisP » Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:47 pm

HA !
Good point ! and Touche ...with an accent.

From my point of view, Age is intemporal, meaningless, really.
I know old men of 35 and young women of 65.

Hair greys. Hormones dry. Strenght falters. Lovemaking dwindles. And compensation mechanisms do step in.
Nothing fancy, or unnatural. Just Time saying you are close.

Thats when you have to be careful.
Or be a fool.

Lots of examples.

Senior citizens exist in teenagers.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby StarCat » Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:58 pm

Well, obviously I have gray hair.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby LuisP » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:27 pm

Me too.
Started on my chin, and has been migrating North, to my temples.

Grey hair, and all the rest, doesn't make a fool of anyone.

Other things do.

You just have to be more careful.

Or not.
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