
The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: Messages

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:45 pm

I agree with wags posts and with DavidG's post.

Linda has a misperception of what due-diligence, validation or verifiable information truly is. I point to the section on this forum that points heavy discrepancies in information supplied to Paul from certain anonymous sources that Linda expects everyone to believe on nothing more than their word from anonymous emails and hers. Not good enough for a biography that is supposed to be factual and historical.

Her book, the "Goodbye Man" is nothing more than a memoir, that which she remembers whether accurate or not and not verified in any manner whatsoever. The notes are nothing more than a Forrest Gump approach to Brown's whereabouts. If Brown was nearby when something took place then and therefore he must have been involved is not validation in any type or definition.

I know I can't wait for her next book and I will be more than happy to pay the price and then the due-diligence will start on that....well, maybe....if I have the time and want to have some fun.

I have said enough.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Messages

Postby kevin » Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:18 pm

A message to Linda,

She has said She can hear My words?
This forum is as it says on the tin, as such.
To discuss about Townsend Brown etc etc.

I have seen a bundle of posts doubting about thee.
I have seen fewer doubting about Townsend Brown.

But to discuss is not to adhere slave like to one only direction, that would be an agreement, not a discussion.
For You to keep on calling all upon here as You do is disrespectfull, You may have an opinion, and have aired such tediously for what seems an eternity.
I assumed that You must be party to information about certain posters upon here that I have no idea about?????/
But it appears My assumptions are flawed, and My senses do not detect anyone here operating against Townsend Brown at all.

I assumed whoever is now termed as blue knew all there is to know about all who have posted on here, but as I KNOW what He has spouted in His "paranoid musings" relative to Myself is ballocks, then My assumptions as to what He has ever known are also flawed.

I assumed that competing parties were involved ( possibly based on such as navy versus army ?)

I assumed that YOU were party to information enabling You to throw out the barrage of posts denouncing those who have been here , and those who are now here ( You bundle ALL together, and call ALL "THEM")

I have never in any way , shape or form done what You so disrespectfully now label Myself and all others here as so doing.


But quit with the LIES.
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Re: Messages

Postby DavidG » Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:55 pm

Wow, was able to logon the coin based forum was my final message there....

You guys are so silly stewing in your own discontent..the thing you sent me Linda was cool, not much to go on aside from public knowledge.....I did try building it and not much was observed in the way of effective air cleaning and the poor holly bush perished within weeks.

TtBrowns intentions were noble, and thats enough for me....we consort each and every day in my heart and mind...water included of course.

I watched your battle with Mikado from a distance for a while,then did my due diligence and found him to oft be the victim of your ire.

He and I have mended fences built by you and your hate for him, by bonding as brothers in a common necessity, as building a dike before a flood.

My avatar indicates not two facedness as paranoid musers would gather, but a willingness to admit my human nature of duality as a entity in touch with the universe and one who is able to see more than one direction at once as an inner self in a one sighted meatsuit.

How could my posts indicate a love for such folks as I met here, who cannot let go of an angry shark thrashing about for fear of it turning and getting a toehold on...well..a toe?
When all the shark wants to do is swim away in safety.

I am one in the same....always have been my paranoid postulaters of perpetual pablum....once there was love and joy here, but that is clearly no more.

My number? Haha, thats what happens when you change cable providers...nothing more.

My demeanor? Surely more cautious and reserved...and exponentialy more aware.

My avatar? Just plain fun with a new ipad.

My connection with TT Brown? More than any of you will ever realize as I am tuned to all that which is to be fruitfully attuned to.....thank you Raymond(rip) for teaching me that ability.

I have no need for such drama, and many here have predictably become ensnared in a noose set for the right hunches were right, and I stand by my current viewpoint as to how I feel towards this whole affair.

Cheers, and goodbye to you all from the real Littleenki, David G or whatever I call myself.Paddlewheel Pete was a cool one, too.

Linda, please advise Tom to self-delete my account and remove me from the rolls of members,and if someday you should show on my doorstep(certainly your blue henchmen can find my easily found address), rest assured we will discuss this in the only way now to hu-man.

Good day
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Re: Messages

Postby Mikado14 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:09 pm

Well David, some post you made.

You do realize that it will probably be deleted but the good thing is....she will have read it! Unfortunately she will never let go for that is her nature.

I am glad for you that you are the person you are and I too am pleased to call you least as far as being on a forum allows. Eyeball to eyeball is best of which I am sure you agree. To just sit and talk, eat, converse and feel the energy and emotion in conversation is so much better than a forum but it is what it is.

I can't help but ask myself a question, one I have posed before....what is she so afraid of from me?

I'll never know.


The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Messages

Postby DavidG » Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:39 pm

Mikado14 wrote:Well David, some post you made.

You do realize that it will probably be deleted but the good thing is....she will have read it! Unfortunately she will never let go for that is her nature.

I am glad for you that you are the person you are and I too am pleased to call you least as far as being on a forum allows. Eyeball to eyeball is best of which I am sure you agree. To just sit and talk, eat, converse and feel the energy and emotion in conversation is so much better than a forum but it is what it is.

I can't help but ask myself a question, one I have posed before....what is she so afraid of from me?

I'll never know.



Something tells me we will share that cheesesteak someday, thanks for your forgiveness with my childish prejudgement in that whole sordid affair.
She is likely afraid of you exposing her true agenda to those who follow her like children before the pied piper.
Cheers, mate
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Re: Messages

Postby wags » Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:49 pm

DavidG wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:Well David, some post you made.

You do realize that it will probably be deleted but the good thing is....she will have read it! Unfortunately she will never let go for that is her nature.

I am glad for you that you are the person you are and I too am pleased to call you least as far as being on a forum allows. Eyeball to eyeball is best of which I am sure you agree. To just sit and talk, eat, converse and feel the energy and emotion in conversation is so much better than a forum but it is what it is.

I can't help but ask myself a question, one I have posed before....what is she so afraid of from me?

I'll never know.



Something tells me we will share that cheesesteak someday, thanks for your forgiveness with my childish prejudgement in that whole sordid affair.
She is likely afraid of you exposing her true agenda to those who follow her like children before the pied piper.
Cheers, mate

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Re: Messages

Postby kevin » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:47 am

DavidG said,
"The holly bush died"
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Re: Messages

Postby DavidG » Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:12 pm

That in itself was likely a message....Holly-leujah!

Could have been a buddy holly....

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Re: Messages

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:35 pm

DavidG wrote:
Could have been a buddy holly....


The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

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Re: Messages

Postby kevin » Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:46 pm

DavidG wrote:That in itself was likely a message....Holly-leujah!

Could have been a buddy holly....


Where was the holly bush relative to what You built?
Was it in BUD.. the holly?
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