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Postby kevin » Mon May 11, 2015 3:12 pm

Fabulous content, IMHO.
The Hobbit
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Postby re-rose » Mon May 11, 2015 3:28 pm

I can see why you like that, Kevin. Bookmarking for later inspiration.

Thank you, Mikado. I'm glad you were online!
So, translating the acronyms, I now have:
Achieve a coherent fusion On Line form and Life in Oxford University Arctic Expedition.

I may be missing something. :lol:
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Postby Mikado14 » Mon May 11, 2015 3:37 pm

I kinda thought the OL was online but the last one, I was lost.

Hope it means something to you. It really wasn't rocket science. When I first looked at it I thought...what?...looks like they ran it all together then I realized they ran the di and dah's together. Easy from that point on.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Postby re-rose » Mon May 11, 2015 4:42 pm

Maybe the last acronym means: Outer Universe As Experienced. But there definitely needs to be an "of" in that sentence.

The Slow Frequency Project seems to be an avant garde Art movement arising out of Chicago. I guess cryptic Morse code is about as slow a frequency of transmission as you can use and still hope to get your point across.

Hope all is well with you two --keeping the prayer wheel spinning for you both.
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Postby kevin » Tue May 12, 2015 2:13 pm

I stumbled upon Iona Miller, in the past, but whats that?
Bumbling Kevin
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Postby LuisP » Tue May 12, 2015 3:21 pm

kevin wrote:Fabulous content, IMHO.

Indeed, Hobbit.

"Proposing A New Scientific Paradigm” by Leon H. Maurer

"According to my fractal field model of cosmogenesis …. those possibility of life after death and rebirth …. may be a fundamental reality"

The way "new paradigms" - scientific ones - arrive at "old beliefs" and classifty them as fundamental realities ... ... will never cease to amaze me.

Nonetheless, here we are.
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Postby Soloma » Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:14 pm

LuisP wrote:Into the fray…

A rooster will crow silently. Wonder about its tune. Look behind, take stock, glance ahead, find the strength, and move on. Don’t be afraid but don’t be rash. Understand well who was before so that you may speak better to who came after you. Know the diversity of what was so that you may accept the difference of what is. Feel and Give, don’t just Think and Take. Ask and Beg, don’t only Answer and Demand. Touch your Depth, not just your Self. Seek Brotherhood while remembering your Uniqueness. Search Peace but be ready to Stand. Always doubt, question and learn, for you know only what you could, not what there is. Nothing is meaningless because everything has a reason or it wouldn’t exist. Be Yourself but allow the Other. And Love, not Hate. Try, knowing you may fail.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

This reminds me of Dan Millman`s journey to the leper colony on Molokai in Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. I enjoyed your post very much when I read it the first time and enjoyed it again just now. I miss you Luis, I hope you are well. I sent you a personal email a few months back and have not heard from you. Hope you and yours are well as I hope everyone on the forum is well.
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Postby Soloma » Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:32 pm

Consciousness, Memory, The Force, Spirit, it all seems to be the same to me and the obvious solution to every single problem we have. It starts on the personal level, learn to connect to it and then confirm the best range for mind over matter manipulation is the theta range. Too much information pointing in this direction, having used it myself for healing purposes confirms it for me. The groups who are doing mass mediations, prayers and the like are on the right track, especially if they are well intentioned and done in the theta range.

Save yourself, save mother earth. Raise your vibration, raise mother earth. Seems to me we really will not have a choice, especially if reports are true regarding galactic energies engaging our consciousness are true. We will need to either tune in or be tuned out. I would think all the major world problems, even Fuku will not matter if we are truly getting something akin to "wave x". Everything will be changed, the 8 to 13 jump Kevin? I feel for all the frito eaters of the world, the increase in energy will not go well for them.

I have extended my disciplines to include all the bija mantras, prostate issues, nerve damage, the lump and pains in my neck have all show marked improvement. This has to be the solution, even if there is no "wave x", man can create his own. We can literally transform this reality to whatever we want, if we can create the dominant field.
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Postby Soloma » Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:36 pm

Soloma wrote:
LuisP wrote:Into the fray…

A rooster will crow silently. Wonder about its tune. Look behind, take stock, glance ahead, find the strength, and move on. Don’t be afraid but don’t be rash. Understand well who was before so that you may speak better to who came after you. Know the diversity of what was so that you may accept the difference of what is. Feel and Give, don’t just Think and Take. Ask and Beg, don’t only Answer and Demand. Touch your Depth, not just your Self. Seek Brotherhood while remembering your Uniqueness. Search Peace but be ready to Stand. Always doubt, question and learn, for you know only what you could, not what there is. Nothing is meaningless because everything has a reason or it wouldn’t exist. Be Yourself but allow the Other. And Love, not Hate. Try, knowing you may fail.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

This reminds me of Dan Millman`s journey to the leper colony on Molokai in Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. I enjoyed your post very much when I read it the first time and enjoyed it again just now. I miss you Luis, I hope you are well. I sent you a personal email a few months back and have not heard from you. Hope you and yours are well as I hope everyone on the forum is well.

Doh, quoted the wrong post. Sorry Luis, I was commenting on the post regarding your Easter vacation. Sounds like I would have thoroughly enjoyed myself there too.
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Postby kevin » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:14 pm

Consciousness is the universal flowing creative STUFF.
It is the manipulation of this that creates electrogravitics.
Electricity is a bastardization of consciousness that is utilised to alter locally the dual toroidal vortex field about the chosen mass subjected to this alteration locally.
Mass is merely a memory that exists within the dominant memory it is within, it therefore adheres to the dominant field unless a local substantial alternate field is created about it.

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