She is officially off her rocker.

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: She is officially off her rocker.

Postby Chris Knight » Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:04 pm

No, different Barbara.

We still keep in touch, but Linda Leach's name doesn't come up in conversation anymore.

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Re: She is officially off her rocker.

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:01 pm

Here Andy, Linda had a few comments about your "Barbara" post: ... 635#p35635

Linda Leach wrote:Re: Mikados imagination
Postby Linda Brown » Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:10 am

An interesting conversation on

Mikado was hoping that the " Barbara" that Andrew mentioned was the friend I had at school..." Tula"... but Andrew threw him a curve ball when he said" no... it was a different Barbara.."

In fact I knew Barbara R before I even met Andrew. I remember when Andrew first walked into her house in Banning... do you remember the oil painting of the gentleman in her hallway? His face would have been recognizable Andrew. Interesting that you didn't mention it.

It was because of him that she and I became such good friends during the time that Mother was dying....she encouraged me to join her karate class there in Banning. She and I had a certain appreciation for the same Sensei who was special to both of us..Barbara was a serious Black Belt... I was a novice but I learned a lot.

...After Mother died I decided that it would be best for me to sort of " fade away" from the public view... and certain connections helped to make that happen . We sold the property in Banning and when we moved way up the canyon above Cabazon Barbara was our " mail drop address"( 96 Rooselvelt Road) (849-3839) and collected phone messages for us....we effectively disappeared from all public view....and of course I have written about all of this......To get to us... you basically had to go through Barbara.... and then the Indian Reservation gate.

One of my fondest memories was watching how much of a gentleman Andrew was with Barbara... especially on one particular hike in the wilderness of the canyon. The three of us came across a felled tree that we had to climb over....He reached over to take her hand and " guide her" so that she wouldn't get hurt. She thanked him so much, of course, and looked over to me with a lovely little wink.... (she and her training buddies had just spent three days in " combat training with her other Black Belt companions...... where she had defended her stance on a narrow tree across a stream...."sort of like Little John" she laughed..... She had demolished all of them.... and Andrew was treating her like a helpless, frail little woman. It was worth a smile.

Do you remember how she used to write messages on her back concrete slab?.... aimed at the sky.....knowing that they would be read..... by someone............. usually it was simply........... God Bless You.

Strange that you didn't know all about her Mikado!... and Strange Andrew, that you did not know the connections that this " Barbara" was so loyal to. It was a big mistake on your part...... or did you know who she was actually all along. I find it interesting that you mentioned her now....of course she and your wife Linda had connections as I recalled...They shared a common bumper sticker sentiment I think..." In case of Rapture... this car will be unmanned.)

She is in an Eastern state now " raising apples".I think that's sort of the code for folks like Barbara who are talented carpenters, plumbers and painters..... I understand that's a good retirement. She deserves it.

Townsend Brown
August 2015

Mikado wasn't "hoping" for anything. I just wondered why she never mentioned Andy.
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