Acoustic Standing Waves

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:47 am

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:mobile unit successful in drastically reducing radiation in controlled radioactive sample
"outside the field" that we create at the lab
the basics---

The thread I linked to is one that I posted at the life ray work site.
Basic info, so you and others have a foundation from which to converse.
Apparently you have not read the entire thread, nor have you read what I linked within the thread.

I sent you, Fruitbat and Playswithmachines a recent email. More details, and an invitation to participate in building the mobile units and deploying. This email was also sent to over 100 other individuals who have expressed an interest in assisting once we had accomplished a successful mobile unit.

I really don't care what Linda Brown says, thinks or does. Fruitbat may have some brains left--at least he has concern about the radioactive contamination.

Apparently Nancy, you have not read any of my posts or emails either. I have read the thread in question and the links. My post was in regard to a link to a you tube video that was just recently posted.

My response was in regard to your recent results as to your field tests....NOT old threads with links that I have read not once but twice. Reading those threads and links seems to be a common response from anyone within your group when someone asks a question.

You will find that when someone offers to help, they are more conducive to help when they are not treated as idiots or spies for non-existing entities.

Please don't be so...condescending.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:37 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:mobile unit successful in drastically reducing radiation in controlled radioactive sample
"outside the field" that we create at the lab
the basics---

The thread I linked to is one that I posted at the life ray work site.
Basic info, so you and others have a foundation from which to converse.
Apparently you have not read the entire thread, nor have you read what I linked within the thread.

I sent you, Fruitbat and Playswithmachines a recent email. More details, and an invitation to participate in building the mobile units and deploying. This email was also sent to over 100 other individuals who have expressed an interest in assisting once we had accomplished a successful mobile unit.

I really don't care what Linda Brown says, thinks or does. Fruitbat may have some brains left--at least he has concern about the radioactive contamination.

Apparently Nancy, you have not read any of my posts or emails either. I have read the thread in question and the links. My post was in regard to a link to a you tube video that was just recently posted.

My response was in regard to your recent results as to your field tests....NOT old threads with links that I have read not once but twice. Reading those threads and links seems to be a common response from anyone within your group when someone asks a question.

You will find that when someone offers to help, they are more conducive to help when they are not treated as idiots or spies for non-existing entities.

Please don't be so...condescending.


SOUND creates this physical realm.
LAW is the relationship of one thing to another.
We have (limited) ways to observe the LAW of SOUND.
such as an oscilloscope...a microscope...or a professional audio program on the computer..our own senses (seeing, hearing, etc.)

In the thread at, I put a link to the book called 'The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music"
Stoni posted further information on the site, of the "heart form" that is observed when sound creates matter.

Also on the SOUND thread, I spoke about cymatics.
This entire physical realm is cymatics, the result of sound, moving in and out (millions of times per second), of the "everything".
Simple illustration: light is sound, frequencies
you see color when light reacts with an object
the sound (light frequencies) absorbs into the object
EXCEPT for the color that you see
the cup that you perceive as red, is all colors, except for red

MoreCool4U was the first to point out this explanation about light...bright spark that he is.

John Hutchison has observed nature for over half a century. The relationship of one thing to another.
He used radio receivers to observe sound. Listened to the static. Static told him when "something was happening".
Many decades ago, while he was listening to the static as he was creating radio waves, and observing the relationship of wave patterns combined/played against another, he heard something new in the static. The spark gaps with high voltage he was looking at, formed a flower pattern when the new static appeared. And the objects in the room levitated.

John also, by observing the static, found how to get information into the subatomic level and to transmutate matter.

Now, decades later, John has refined his subatomic communications. He knows the path, the correct combinations of sound, and is using this path to give information to radioactive elements. Information to allow the radioactive elements to rapidly become what it is they so desperately want -- rest.
Can this technology be abused? Absolutely.
Has someone else figure out this path? Probably. The way to do it has been written in the ancient human documents and available for thousands of years.
Can someone use one of the mobile units to destroy matter? Nope. The recording in the unit is a complex signal that contains the path and the information. No way to separate the two. Can only be used to restore, not to destroy.

People always hound John and want to know the "secret to anti-gravity". There is no secret.
The information has been left for us my ancient humans. All right there, smack dab in our faces.
Read The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music. The Essene documents. Observe Celtic patterns. Dig into hieroglyphics.
Its all information left for us.

IMO, the Philadelphia Experiment was humans messing with sound, and they goofed up. The didn't read all the documents that I linked in the SOUND thread. They were like five-year old children who had discovered automatic machine guns and decided to start shooting.
Reading, understanding and discussing the information on SOUND gives us a foundation upon which to build knowledge.
I'm not going to give a group of five year old children a pile of automatic machine guns.

We have continually done controlled experiments concerning John's technology. Have been doing this for years.
For the first time ever, a mobile unit containing the recorded RF signal has been tested offsite.
Controlled testing with a radioactive sample in fixed position, Geiger counter in fixed position. Computer tracking the results.
The results are staggering.
I could publish those results, but no one would believe me.
So we are letting a university do a repeat of the testing, and they can take the insults instead of me.

We are not looking for funding. We are not looking to create a product for sale.
We know this works. And the vast majority of the people who got that email I sent to you, Luke and Fruitbat (blind copied) are people who have been "with us" for years. Many are scientists who have personally evaluated John's technology. They already know John's work is legitimate.
You, Luke and Fruitbat. You don't know.
I have given you guys the opportunity to learn. And to participate.

If you define what I tell you as condescending, then that is your problem. Not mine.

BTW-- IMO Linda Brown has attempted to damage both of us. I have spent some time reading on this forum, trying to understand why she is so hostile.
Haven't found any answers. She did give me one clue, at the beginning of our conversations. Her father with a "fan amplifier" -- something like an ionic breeze--playing the "Sound of Music" every day at noon. Important clue. Then all hell broke lose and communication with her spin down a rabbit hole.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby StarCat » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:18 pm

What university is doing the testing?

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:52 pm

StarCat wrote:What university is doing the testing?


the one that will not be harassed, threatened and intimidated
by you, Linda Brown, Wags or anyone else
...until they make their findings public
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:27 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:

We are not looking for funding. We are not looking to create a product for sale.
We know this works. And the vast majority of the people who got that email I sent to you, Luke and Fruitbat (blind copied) are people who have been "with us" for years. Many are scientists who have personally evaluated John's technology. They already know John's work is legitimate.
You, Luke and Fruitbat. You don't know.
I have given you guys the opportunity to learn. And to participate.

If you define what I tell you as condescending, then that is your problem. Not mine.

BTW-- IMO Linda Brown has attempted to damage both of us. I have spent some time reading on this forum, trying to understand why she is so hostile.
Haven't found any answers. She did give me one clue, at the beginning of our conversations. Her father with a "fan amplifier" -- something like an ionic breeze--playing the "Sound of Music" every day at noon. Important clue. Then all hell broke lose and communication with her spin down a rabbit hole.


First Nancy, read what you wrote.

I asked two simple questions, let me refresh:

Mikado wrote:Now, am I to interpret what you have said is that you set up a control experiment, removed from any interference of previous and current tests, and you achieved some results?

Care to share some numbers?

I suppose I do stand corrected, your response was not really condescending as much ignoring my question. In attempting to communicate with ANY one from your camp, they are always directed to "read" something. After reading, and in my case multiple times thinking I missed something when directed on numerous occasions, I find the same words with nothing either added or altered and my understanding from the first reading is the same.

So, in your learned opinion, myself, Luke and Fruitbat refuse to learn, at least that is what I am comprehending from your post.

Are you condescending? No, not in the least, I used the wrong word.

You sent out emails. I wasn't going to respond publicly but since you mention it, than I will take that as an affirmative that I can. A while back when I offered to help, I built a circuit. I also purchased off of ebay:
100 - 555 timers
100 - 10 turn potentiometers
and a host of other components to build 100 circuits for the cause.

When I had questions, I never received any direct answers but only condescending ones from Stoni. Perhaps that is why I used the word condescending. And then all of a sudden....I was treated like a spy.

After spending several hundred dollars on components and after the manner I was treated do you really anticipate my help in either time or funds?

Sorry, I don't think it will happen now read this carefully....

You are doing a find job without me and I don't offer my hand more than once after it has been bitten. I am not your enemy, I support the theory that you are utilizing, I understand what you are doing and have understood it for quite sometime, however I believe the lack of putting descriptions in technical terms and the use of simile (lulling a baby) have hindered you. Individuals want hard technical answers, you don't seem to be able to do so. Where John is lacking in the ability to talk, you are lacking in the ability to do so in a technical manner. Is that why you are employing a Univiversity? Perhaps that is best.

And again, perhaps it is best that a university performs the necessary "due-diligence" for they will be able to answer the hard questions like I have asked above.

I wish you the best but you must also get your head out of the proverbial sand and understand that the "SOUND" that you are talking about can also to do more than harm, .....and if you say the frequencies that you are using only repair than YOU do not fully understand the theory and you have just given away a device that can not only repair but some bright individual will find out how to destroy with it....just as has been done with a Rife machine.

BTW: Linda hasn't destroyed me but instead has had the alternate effect. I could be a millionaire if that is what I truly wanted.

Best to you and John,

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby StarCat » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:29 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
StarCat wrote:What university is doing the testing?


the one that will not be harassed, threatened and intimidated
by you, Linda Brown, Wags or anyone else
...until they make their findings public

Asking a question and making a threat are two entirely different things. I asked a question.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:30 pm

StarCat wrote:What university is doing the testing?


Really Cat? If I were making that statement, I would not tell for I am sure there would be non-disclosure agreements until the testing was completed, at least that is the experience I have had.

So, is it really your curiosity or did Linda put you up to asking?

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby StarCat » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:49 pm

It's my curiosity. A simple statement that the information remains confidential would have sufficed.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:50 pm

Nancy wrote:BTW-- IMO Linda Brown has attempted to damage both of us. I have spent some time reading on this forum, trying to understand why she is so hostile.
Haven't found any answers. She did give me one clue, at the beginning of our conversations. Her father with a "fan amplifier" -- something like an ionic breeze--playing the "Sound of Music" every day at noon. Important clue. Then all hell broke lose and communication with her spin down a rabbit hole.


I don't believe you will find any answers except and perhaps in the Obsession thread. That might help. As far as the "fan" at Decker's. well, in most circles, that is not what Brown is known for. It mostly started with the book "The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility" by Moore and Berlitz. Is it real as far as Brown goes? I would have to say with a gun to my head ..... no...and that must be an accurate assumption for Andrew Bolland sold off all his collection of papers on that subject on ebay about a year ago and I would say that is an indication that there is nothing there.

Back to the fan, it is really electrophoresis (now called electrohydrodynamics) and was first observed by Ferdinand Reuss who was a Russian. Brown merely extrapolated upon it so don't let Linda Brown say otherwise, she would have everyone believe that he discovered the fulcrum.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:51 pm

StarCat wrote:It's my curiosity. A simple statement that the information remains confidential would have sufficed.


And with that my dear.....I agree. One wonders about the use of the word hostile....hmmm.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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